Board of Education Committee to Begin Superintendent's Search Process

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HONOLULU — The Hawaii State Board of Education has appointed a seven-member ad hoc committee to develop a search process for a new superintendent.

The Board Ad Hoc Committee on Superintendent Search Process will be chaired by Carol Mon Lee, with Eileen Clarke serving as vice chairwoman. Other ad hoc committee members include Margaret Cox, Kim Coco Iwamoto, Karen Knudsen, John Penebacker, and Herbert Watanabe.


The ad hoc committee will hold its first meeting at 1 p.m. on Tuesday, January 26, in room 404 of the Queen Liliuokalani Building on 1390 Miller St.

On Jan. 11, the Board appointed Kathryn Matayoshi, a former deputy superintendent, to serve as interim superintendent of the Hawaii State Department of Education following the Dec. 31, 2009, retirement of former Superintendent Patricia Hamamoto.

‘Alex Da Silva is the Public Affairs Officer for the Hawaii Board of Education’


