Building an Unstoppable Wave

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By Dutch Hanohano

We saw it with the 300 supporters who joined us in Hilo last week for the grand opening of our East Hawaii headquarters. More than 700 turned out earlier this week for a pa`ina on Maui. Duke and Vivian joined another crowd of 700 last weekend for the Hawaii Republican Party State Convention, and 200 came out today to help us open the Oahu headquarters.


Through supporters, we’re building an unstoppable wave that will take us to victory on Election Day.

The verdict is in: our people want a balanced, efficient and accountable government, and Duke Aiona is the only candidate who can make it happen. But he needs our support and our vote to keep the wave going.

The old guard of Hawaii politics will do everything within their power to stop Duke Aiona, Charles Djou and others not beholden to special interests and partisan politics. We need to counter the big money contributions and machine politics that will stop at nothing to put a rubber stamp in the Governor’s Office and tilt the Executive Branch of government in their favor.

By working together and spreading the word to our family and friends, we will continue building an unstoppable wave that will roll past the professional politicians and “no can” attitude that has kept our families and communities from achieving their full potential.

Dutch Hanohano is the Campaign Manager for Friends of Duke Aiona


