How Hawaii’s Elected Officials Voted – April 16, 2013

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April 16, 2013

In this MegaVote for Hawaii’s 1st Congressional District:


Recent Congressional Votes

  • Senate: Interior Secretary Confirmation
  • Senate: Gun Control – Cloture Vote
  • House: Limit on NLRB Activity
  • House: Hydropower Facility Development – Suspension Vote

Upcoming Congressional Bills

  • Senate: Safe Communities, Safe Schools Act of 2013
  • House: Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA)

Recent Senate Votes

Interior Secretary Confirmation – Vote Confirmed (87-11, 2 Not Voting)

Last week the Senate confirmed Sally Jewell, former CEO of outdoor retailer REI, to be the next secretary of the Department of Interior.

Sen. Brian Schatz voted YES
Sen. Mazie Hirono voted YES


Gun Control – Cloture Vote – Vote Agreed to (68-31, 1 Not Voting)

The Senate also agreed to invoke cloture on the motion to proceed to comprehensive firearms–related legislation that has been in the works since the horrific shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut last December. Sixteen Republicans agreed to move forward with the bill, while two Democrats facing tough re-election battles next year – Mark Begich of Alaska and Mark Pryor of Arkansas – voted against ending debate. Though it is unclear what shape a final bill will take – or even whether any substantive measure can garner enough support to pass – supporters are hoping to include a strengthened background checks measure sponsored by Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania; language strengthening penalties for straw purchasers; and expanded funding for school safety. If a bill does make it out of the Senate, its fate would be even more uncertain in the Republican-controlled House. President Obama issued a statement in support of S. 649.

Sen. Brian Schatz voted YES
Sen. Mazie Hirono voted YES


Recent House Votes

Limit on NLRB Activity – Vote Passed (219-209, 4 Not Voting)

In January, the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia ruled in Noel Canning v. NLRB that three recess appointments made by President Obama to the National Labor Relations Board were invalid because they did not take place during the court’s definition of a recess. Republican leaders of the House Education and the Workforce Committee called on the Board to “cease all activity” until new nominees could be appointed and confirmed. Last week the full House approved a bill that would mandate such an approach. H.R. 1120 would prevent NLRB from engaging in any activity requiring a quorum of its members – the threshold necessary for issuing legally binding rulings – until such time as the Canning decision is overturned by the Supreme Court or sufficient new members are confirmed to constitute a quorum. The White House condemned the measure and threatened a veto. It is unlikely to see Senate action.

Rep. Colleen Hanabusa voted NO

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard voted NO

Hydropower Facility Development – Suspension Vote – Vote Passed (416-7, 8 Not Voting)

The House passed a bill last week under suspension of the rules that would streamline the permitting process for small hydropower facilities. The House passed a similar bill last year that was not taken up by the Senate.

Rep. Colleen Hanabusa voted YES

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard voted YES

Upcoming Votes

Safe Communities, Safe Schools Act of 2013 – S.649

The Senate will continue consideration of the gun bill this week. The Manchin-Toomey background check amendment is the next pending action.


Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA) – H.R.624

The House will attempt to re-pass legislation originally sent to the Senate last year that would allow private companies to share information with federal intelligence authorities regarding cybersecurity threats.


