How Hawaii’s Elected Officials Voted – Feb. 10, 2014

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U.S. Capitol – Illustration by Emily Metcalf

February 10, 2014

In this MegaVote for Hawaii’s 1st and 2nd Congressional District:


Recent Congressional Votes

  • Senate: Farm and Nutrition Programs Conference Report – Passage
  • Senate: Unemployment Benefits – Cloture
  • Senate: Baucus Nomination – Confirmation
  • House: Recreational Shooting on Federal Lands – Passage
  • House: California Water Resources – Passage
  • House: Public Land Management – Passage

Upcoming Congressional Bills

  • Senate: Military Retirement Pay
  • House: Consumer Financial Protection and Soundness Improvement Act of 2013

Recent Senate Votes

Farm and Nutrition Programs Conference Report – Passage – Vote Agreed to (68-32)

On Tuesday, the Senate voted to adopt the conference report on the bill that would reauthorize most federal farm and nutrition programs through fiscal 2018, sending the measure to the president. Senators agreed to cut the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program by $8 billion over 10 years. The bill would also reauthorize sugar and dairy subsidy programs, replace $5 billion in direct payments to farmers with two new subsidies to cover losses. It also would create a new crop insurance program for producers that would cover losses over 14 percent.

Sen. Brian Schatz voted YES
Sen. Mazie Hirono voted YES


Unemployment Benefits – Cloture – Vote Rejected (58-40, 2 Not Voting)

A motion to invoke cloture on a bill that would extend eligibility for unemployment benefits through March 31, 2014 failed on Thursday, the third such cloture vote to fail in the Senate. Four Republicans – Sens. Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire, Susan Collins of Maine, Dean Heller of Nevada, and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska – voted with Democrats and Independents to end debate on the bill.

Sen. Brian Schatz voted YES
Sen. Mazie Hirono voted YES


Baucus Nomination – Confirmation – Vote Confirmed (96-0, 1 Present, 3 Not Voting)

The Senate confirmed overwhelmingly the nomination of Sen. Max Baucus of Montana to be the U.S. ambassador to the People’s Republic of China on Thursday. Baucus voted present on his own nomination.

Sen. Brian Schatz voted YES
Sen. Mazie Hirono voted YES


Recent House Votes

Recreational Shooting on Federal Lands – Passage – Vote Passed (268-154, 9 Not Voting)

House members passed a slate of measures designed to make hunting, target shooting, and fishing easier on federally-managed lands. The Sportsmen’s Heritage and Recreation Enhancement Act would exempt ammunition and fishing equipment from the Toxic Substances Control Act, increase public funds for the construction of shooting ranges on federal lands, make permanent the electronic duck stamp licensing system, and allow firearms on water projects administered by the Army Corps of Engineers.

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard voted NO

Rep. Colleen Hanabusa voted NO

California Water Resources – Passage – Vote Passed (229-191, 11 Not Voting)

On Wednesday, the House passed a bill that would change the Interior Department’s water management practices around the San Joaquin Valley of California. The bill would require the department to increase the total water delivery capacity of the Central Valley Project by 800,000 acre-feet by September 30, 2018. It would also limit the enforcement and consideration of some environmental laws in completing this delivery.

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard voted NO

Rep. Colleen Hanabusa voted NO

Public Land Management – Passage – Vote Passed (220-194, 17 Not Voting)

The House passed a bill Thursday that would exempt public land access, land conveyances, and land restoration activities from federal environmental review requirements. The bill would also extend the term of new grazing permits on federal lands from 10 to 20 years and allow currently expired or transferred permits to remain in effect until new ones are issued. It would prohibit the Bureau of Land Management from acquiring new land until it creates a website database that lists all BLM lands suitable for disposal. The bill also would require a comprehensive plan and budget for state and federal efforts to restore the Chesapeake Bay watershed and instruct the Agriculture Department to implement a lumber salvage program in California’s Stanislaus National Forrest.

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard voted NO

Rep. Colleen Hanabusa voted NO

Upcoming Votes

Military Retirement Pay – S.1963

The Senate will vote Monday for cost-of-living increases to military pay.


Consumer Financial Protection and Soundness Improvement Act of 2013 – H.R.3193

Later this week, the House will consider a bill making changes to financial regulations for small capitalization firms.


