Debate on Akaka Bill This Friday-Don’t Miss This Important Event of the Year Featuring Nationally known Pollster John Zogby

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The November 2009 Zogby Poll of Hawaii registered voters revealed that most were opposed to the Akaka bill. The poll also indicated an astonishing number of people were not familiar with the Akaka bill and its potential impacts on them personally and on the state.

Accordingly, Grassroot Institute of Hawaii is providing a unique opportunity to get 100 or more of our residents fully briefed on the essential Akaka bill pros and cons — as well as to hear a detailed discussion of the poll results by Mr. John Zogby, President of Zogby International. There will be an opportunity to purchase John Zogby’s latest book and have it autographed.


In addition to Mr. Zogby, pro-Akaka Bill, anti-Akaka Bill and Sovereignty advocates have been invited to present a panel discussion on the poll, merits, concerns and impacts of the bill. There will be extensive time for questions.

There is no more important issue in Hawaii than the Akaka Bill. There will be no other presentation as factual, informative and even handed. You owe it to yourself and to Hawaii to attend this important event. RSVP today, seating will be limited.

”Akaka Bill Zogby Poll Panel Discussion”

”What”: The Akaka bill: Pro, Con and Poll-A panel discussion.

”When:” Friday, January 15, 2010 @ 11:45 AM -1:35 PM.

”Where”: Hale Koa Hotel, Waikiki Ballroom.

”Grinds”: Luncheon Buffet: soup, salad, sandwich, and dessert.

”Panel”: OHA representative Stanton Enomoto to advocate “pass the bill” and why; Jere Krischel to advocate do not pass the bill and why; Leon Siu, Sovereignty attitudes towards the bill and why; and John Zogby to discuss poll results. Panel moderator will be Rick Hamada of the KHVH ” Rick Hamada Show”.

”Book signing”: ” The Way We’ll Be” is John’s new book. It is a look into the future of America based on an incredible amount of polling, study, and reflection. We are offering the book and asking for a $10 donation. It normally sells for over $26. You will profit from the insights in this book.

”RSVP:” No later than Wednesday, January 13th at 4 p.m. The public is invited. Reservations are required with a pre-payment of $25 for the lunch and program. Checks should be made to GRIH and sent to 1314 S. King St. # 1163, Honolulu, HI 96814. Call 591-9193 for reservations or credit card transactions. Questions?: Email or call Dick Rowland at 487-3002.

”Parking”: Validated parking across the street from the Hale Koa is $ 3.00.

”Elected officials as guests”: Please consider bringing an elected official as your guest. You will pay only $10 for each of those so honored. We will need their name and position and to know you are the sponsor. Be sure you get an attendance promise from each.
If you care about the future of Hawaii do not miss this event. You should invite family, friends, customers, and business associates. All will come away with enough knowledge about the bill to have a good idea of the personal and financial effects it will have on your family, your job and possibly, your taxes, your state.

‘Richard Rowland is president emeritus of the Grassroot Institute’


