Governor's Take on 2007 Legislative Session

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The 2007 legislative session will be remembered for the launching of the Hawai`i Innovation Initiative, a comprehensive effort to transform our state’s economy from one over-reliant on land development to one fueled by science, technology, innovation and the limitless potential of residents. This will raise the standard of living for the people of Hawai`i.

The Governor’s five-part plan seeks to increase innovation in education, the economy, the workforce and state government, and by expanding Hawai`i’s international connections.


Governor Lingle also focused on finding solutions to homelessness and providing affordable housing for those who need it most – Hawai`i’s families.

When the session ended May 3, the Administration began a comprehensive, 45-day review process, including careful consideration input from the public.

On June 25th, the Governor announced a final list of 27 vetoes. Those bills on the veto list were subject to legal challenges or technically flawed, infringed on executive functions and separation of powers, would have created potential negative fiscal impacts or established questionable public policy.

Before a special session on July 10, the Governor asked the Legislature to work collaboratively to make simple fixes to bills so they would be in the public’s best interest. However, Legislators did not amend the bills and overrode 11 of the Governor’s 27 vetoes.

“Hawai`i’s citizens expect their elected officials to work collaboratively to do what is in the best interest of all the people of Hawai`i,” Governor Lingle said after a special session of the Legislature convened. “The Legislature failed to fulfill this responsibility and instead used pure political power to enact laws that will put the public’s safety at risk, could reduce our ability to repair highways and bridges, and could negatively impact our state’s fiscal integrity.”

To watch the Governor’s news conference regarding vetoes, Read the Governor’s list of vetoes or Read more about laws enacted this legislative session. log onto


