Hawaii Health Department Cites 4 Beverage Distributors for H1-5 Violations

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HONOLULU — The Hawai‘i State Department of Health (DOH) has issued Notices of Findings of Violation and Orders against Asian Food Trading Company Co., Inc., Tamura Enterprises Inc., Central Boeki Hawai‘i, and H & K Inc. dba Palama Supermarket for late payments and reports required of beverage distributors by the state’s deposit beverage container program law.


Hawai‘i Revised Statutes (HRS) Section 342G-105 requires deposit beverage distributors to submit monthly distributor reports and payments to the DOH no later than the fifteenth calendar day of the month following the end of the payment period of the previous month.  All four distributors received multiple warning letters reminding them of reporting requirements prior to being assessed penalties.

DOH has assessed the following penalties against the beverage distributors for their late payments and reports.

  • Asian Food Trading Company Co., Inc.        Penalty Amount: $2,178.00
  • Tamura Enterprises Inc.                                  Penalty Amount: $2,112.00
  • Central Boeki Hawaii Ltd.                               Penalty Amount: $1,320.00
  • H & K Inc. dba Palama Supermarket             Penalty Amount: $1,320.00

The companies may request a hearing to contest the alleged facts and penalties.

Jennifer Tosaki, with the Office of Solid Waste Management, issued this report


