Road less Traveled


by Carleen MacKay ::  Rob Kinslow

Once-upon-a-place, in a time, not far-far away,


the road to a thriving middle class future was defined by one or two regular, full-time jobs over the span of a relatively short work/life.

private-1837219_1920Work was locally focused – a mere drive for most men.

Mom was home. Marriages were traditional.

Kids enjoyed independence until the lights, went on at dusk on the front porches across the land.

Gradually, commutes became longer as time inescapably moved on and highways filled with the two-car, two-person working family. Manufacturing ruled the American workplace. Men dominated management. While college was important to leaders, on-job-training sufficed for the hard-working, growing, middle-class porch-961549_1920folks who pursued the dream of buying a house; a small house that gradually grew into the McMansions of the nouveau semi-riche as both husbands and wives struggled to “keep up with the Joneses.”

Imagine the debt! We worked harder, spent more and saved less.

Idyllic time for some; the question is — Was it a better time,

or just a better time in memory?

And, then, along came technology and the world was in play. “Jobs” went here, there and everywhere. We lived longer; divorces changed lives; the median wage city-408952_1920stabilized and stopped growing.

There were cracks in the mirror of time and only a future-focused few saw the opportunities in the many threats of inevitable change.

This is now, the roads between the past and the future have diverged. Today, the seldom-walked path has become the new highway to the future.

From the old “job-centric” world to the new “world of work” – how we will work, when we will work and, even, if we will work are in the hands of those who understand that this is the age of hyper-shift; a time and place where disruptive technologies, globalization and changing demographics impact our everyday lives and careers each moment of every day.

The question of the day is: Are you ready?

Want help?

Read about our uniquely, future-focused career services for every stage of life. Be inspired by the stories of fellow travelers who have taken new steps to a better future. Take the road that was once-upon-a-time less traveled.

The less-traveled road to new ways to work will make all the difference.

Pivot to the Pacific, into YOUR future.

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Reach out to your favorite wingman—we are multi-generational coaches. You will benefit from our proven 8-Step process. Let us guide you to what you need to know and do in order to advance your career in a time of hyper-shift. We can help you implement a plan that will work for you.

Look us up on LinkedIn:  Carleen MacKay :: Rob Kinslow

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