Lingle Kept State from Falling Into Fiscally Precarious Situation, Former Chief of Staff Said; Hanabusa Wants to Boost Congress’ Dismal 6 Percent Rating; Newt Gingrich’s Island Ties

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Linda Lingle (Photo by Dave Livingston)

Lingle Kept State from Falling Into Fiscally Precarious Situation, Former Chief of Staff Said

In recent press conferences, Gov. Neil Abercrombie claimed Gov. Linda Lingle, his predecessor, essentially left the state in financial ruins.


He’s used terms like financial wreckage, financial devastation and fiscal nightmare.

Lingle fought back yesterday in a editorial by her former chief of staff, Barry Fukunaga, that is now published in Hawaii Reporter.

He said the prudent, responsible approach Governor Lingle took to balancing the budget prevented Hawaii from falling into the fiscally precarious situation many other states faced at the height of the economic downturn.

Fukunaga also took on Abercrombie personally saying instead of casting blame, Abercrombie needs to start acting like a leader and be accountable for his actions.

Hanabusa Wants to Boost Congress’ Dismal 6 Percent Rating

Ratings for Congress now match the lowest levels ever recorded and many people polled continue to believe that most Members of Congress are corrupt.

The latest Rasmussen Reports survey finds that just six percent (6%) of Likely U.S. Voters rate Congress as doing a good or excellent job.

Sixty-eight percent (68%) view Congress’ job performance as poor.

Hawaii’s Congresswoman Colleen Hanabusa believes the way to restore popularity is to cosponsor bills aimed at rebuilding public confidence in Congress.

She cosponsored the Stop – Trading – on – Congressional – Knowledge – Act (STOCK ACT).

The bill would prohibit members of Congress from buying or selling securities based on nonpublic information they obtain because of their official positions.

Newt Gingrich’s Island Ties

Newt and his wife, Callista

Newt Gingrich, former speaker of the House who is now leading Republican presidential polls, is a frequent visitor to the islands. He and his wife Callista Gingrich have spent many vacations on Maui and they have forged several friendships there. He has also promoted some of his 23 books with autograph sessions in Maui’s Borders Books. As recently as August 2011, he took his campaign to Wailuku where he spoke to the Maui Tea Party and Maui Republican Party.

According to the Wall Street Journal’s Political Diary, Gingrich is leading Mitt Romney in one poll, 50-19, while an Insider Advantage shows the former Speaker a 24-point advantage and a third, Public Policy Polling, documents a bigger lead with Gingrich up by 30.

“The new results contrast with those from September, when PPP showed Mr. Gingrich trailing Mr. Romney by 20 points, Rick Perry by 14 and Herman Cain by five,” the WSJ said.

The WSJ adds: “A Rasmussen national poll out yesterday showed Mr. Gingrich surging to a 21-point lead, the biggest any candidate has enjoyed in the race. This comes after Mr. Gingrich was pummeled for his ties to Freddie Mac and flip-flops on cap-and-trade and the individual mandate. Unlike the other candidates who’ve spent some time in the sun, the former speaker hasn’t let criticism cloud his disposition or drown out his message that Republicans must defeat President Obama at all costs.”


