Lt. Gov. Duke Aiona Details Health & Transportation Plans for Hawaii

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HONOLULU – Lt. Governor Duke Aiona today released detailed policy plans for transportation and health care that he would seek to implement in an Aiona-Finnegan Administration. The specific policy agendas follow plans the gubernatorial candidate unveiled in recent weeks on jobs and the economy and education.

“We want to focus this campaign on the issues,” said Lt. Governor Aiona. “It is only through an active and engaged public that we will achieve lasting solutions to the immediate problems facing our citizens.”


Hawai‘i’s roads, harbors and airports form the physical foundation on which the economy and well-being of our citizens depend. As Governor, Duke Aiona will expand the highways, airports and harbors modernization plans and focus on major facilities upgrades, care and maintenance of existing infrastructure and the prudent use of special revenue funds. He will also work collaboratively with operators and user groups to ensure public participation.

An Aiona-Finnegan Administration will support walkable, bike-friendly “built communities,” enhance the Van Pool program, expand carpooling options and support TheBus system on O‘ahu and similar ride-sharing programs on the Neighbor Islands. He will work with the community to study the feasibility of returning an interisland ferry service. 

And he will plan for a 40-hour, four-day state government work week program to cut traffic congestion, as well as work to take advantage of available technology to implement telecommuting opportunities.

On health care, Duke Aiona’s vision is for Hawai‘i’s citiens to lead healthy, productive lives with access to affordable, high-quality health care that is available to all. He will work to expand health care options available to Hawai‘i’s families and encourage a greater number of providers to ensure we have a competitive, robust market that gives our citizens meaningful choices when choosing health insurance.

As Governor, Duke Aiona will promote preventative approaches that focus on diet, exercise and regular medical check-ups; develop state policies that keep health insurance affordable and increase choices; encourage policies to attract and retain medical personnel; consider recommendations of a legislative study group and other stakeholders on the future of the Hawai‘i State Hospital Corporation; and continue to operate the State Hospital in a manner that keeps the community safe and respects the dignity of those suffering from mental illnesses.

Duke Aiona’s full health care plan can be accessed online atwww.AionaFinnegan/future/healthcare.

 Duke Aiona’s full transportation plan can be accessed online atwww.AionaFinnegan/future/transportation.

For more information, contact:

Travis Taylor, Communications Director, Aiona-Finnegan Campaign

Phone: 808.557.7333



