Mayor Urges Residents to Send Relief to Philippines Via American Red Cross

Maui Mayor Alan M. Arakawa
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Maui Mayor Alan M. Arakawa

WAILUKU, Maui, Hawai`i –  Mayor Alan Arakawa asks Maui County residents to join him in sending help to the Philippines by donating to the American Red Cross.

The American Red Cross is assisting with storm-related damage from the typhoon that hit the Philippines and continues to wreak havoc on the population. The United Nations’ last count reported some 4,400 people dead and more than 900,000 people displaced from the storm.


“People have no food and water, surgeons are working with limited medical supplies and people are now getting sick from disease,” Mayor Arakawa said. “For us in Maui County, this disaster hits as close to home as the earthquake in Fukushima, Japan did. As more reports come in, the scale of the disaster becomes clearer and more urgent for those suffering. Now is the time to help our fellow global citizens by donating to the Red Cross, which is the safest and most secure way to make sure your contributions go to where they can do the most good.”

To donate, go to The Red Cross Maui Office thanks the Maui community for their assistance, and asks that donations be made through the main website, which is the easiest and most direct way to send help.



