SBH Business All Stars | Saudi Unhappiness: Frack You. | Baker Moves on Up | Mahalo Darlyn!

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BY SAM SLOM – Aloha, Darlyn! Our “Queen of SBH,” Ms. Darlyn Evangelista, will complete her final day with SBH as Office Manager/Administrative Secretary today. Darlyn has been with us for 8 ½ years, a record, and a testament for her ability to put up with me for so long. Darlyn is moving from her home in Hawaii Kai to Oregon where her son Dylan attends college. Like so many (too many) Isle residents, she is forced to relocate because of cost of living and limited economic choices. How’s that economic “turnaround” going for you? SBH members, the public and me, thank her for all her leadership and wish her well.



Janayhe Joins SBH. It is always difficult to replace a long time, dedicated employee like Darlyn. We had several excellent applicants for the SBH office job first posted in this weekly blast. As of tomorrow, (August 1) our new SBH Assistant will be local gal, Janayhe Self, an accomplished Realtor Associate, who brings experience in advertising, marketing, event planning and back office management.Janayhe is a member of Waikiki Toastmasters, an accomplished public speaker and has been serving as president of the Hawaii Kai Chamber of Commerce. Darlyn’s slippers will be hard to fill but we think Janayhe is up to the task. Hopefully, you will have an opportunity to talk with, meet with or join her at our next SBH event. Welcome, Janayhe!


We survived “Flossie.” Hawaii dodged a direct hit from Tropical Storm/Depression “Flossie” yesterday but did experience an amazing lightning and thunderstorm, power outages on Maui and Molokai, strong winds and heavy rain. However, the storm was not as bad in most areas of the state as the media warned-and that’s a good thing. Government emergency offices did a good job of informing the public of dangers and preparations and worked together smoothly. If only the same effort was only put into road repaving. As usual here, with word of the storm coming, there was a mad rush for: (1) toilet paper, (2) bottled water, (3) batteries, (4) gas and (5) SPAM. Our economy depends on toilet paper; what does that say about us?


PBN Digital Strategies. Pacific Business News is sponsoring an Internet seminar on “Digital Strategies for Professional Services” on Friday, August 9 at the Plaza Club. Moderator will be James Kerr, Chief Geek of Super Geeks. Contact PBN’s Director of Events Rosanna Costales or call 955-8074 by August 5.


Baker Moves on Up. Reg Baker, SBH Board Member and Executive VP of HMAA, will have several more titles added to his resume: Treasurer, CFO and COO responsibilities. Talk about an over achiever. Congrats, Reg!


Bloomberg Goes Down, Again. A New York court has dealt another blow to Super Nanny NY Mayor Michael Bloomberg. He wants to control your salt, fat, sugar and soda intake and force you to take the stairs, not escalators – at least until he finally gives up his position (to a Wiener, perhaps?) His effort to ban large cup sugary beverages lost in court twice now, but undaunted, the sour mayor wants to appeal again. Shouldn’t double jeopardy apply here?


Saudi Unhappiness: Frack You. One of the many Saudi Princes complained recently that the efforts by the U.S. to use alternate energy sources-especially fracking shale oil-instead of Middle East or South American oil, is very troublesome, particularly to the Saudis. He basically warned the U.S. not to try to become free of external oil imports. Oil demand and use will not go away in the lifetime of most of us. Hawaii has a Clean Energy Policy and that’s a good thing, but wind, solar and even geothermal, will not eliminate our demand for oil. We should reduce our dependency but we should also use American fossil fuels and openly discuss nuclear energy as well. But that is not politically correct, nationally or locally. So, Hawaii will continue to buy its oil from Asia at the highest prices in the world.


Electric Rate Briefing. The Hawaii Business Roundtable is hosting a Legislators-only luncheon tomorrow to discuss the topic, “Why Are Hawaii Electric Rates So High?” Don’t we all know already? Can we spell political monopoly? Hmmm. We’ll listen to the CEO of HECO to learn new explanations.


“A Better Day” on TV. Senator Sam Slom Hosts Fred Hemmings on “A Better Day. See the show online here (click here) or watch the show on Olelo Channel 54 on 8/01, Thu   at7 pm; 8/06, Tue at 8:30am; 8/13, Tue at 8:30am: 8/20,    Tue at 8:30am: 8/27, Tue at 8:30am; 9/03, Tue at 8:30am.


Reapportionment Update on TV. Tune in “Better Government” on Olelo TV this month for an update on Reapportionment in Hawaii with Michael Palcic, Chair, Oahu Advisory Council on Reapportionment.”You can see the show (click here) – or on Olelo Channel 54 on 8/02, Fri at 8 pm;  8/05, Mon at 3 pm;  8/12, Mon at 3 pm; 8/19, Mon at 3 pm; 8/26 ,Mon at 3 pm;  9/02, Mon at 3 pm.


Special Legislative Session. The Senate Judiciary and Labor Committee will convene Friday, August 2, at 12 to determine whether Honolulu District Court nominee, James Ashfordshould be confirmed as a state judge. The full Senate will meet Monday and Tuesday, August 5 and 6, in Special Session, at 10:30 am to advise and consent to the nomination.


No Freedom Tower for U.S. Remember the initial announcements about rebuilding the World Trade Center? There were design proposals, arguments and delays. A single tower, 1,776 feet high, was finally agreed upon at a cost of about $1 billion. It was to be completed by the 10th anniversary of 9-11 (2011). That date was pushed back to 2014. Now, the completion is estimated at 2018, the cost has soared to more than $4 billion and apparently, some of the expected occupants and financiers-notably the Chinese-have demanded a change in name, not approving “Freedom Tower.” This comes after the revelation that an iconic photograph of an American Flag being raised among the WTC rubble was deemed too patriotic.” What has happened to our country?


Kaeo at August 25 SBH SUNRISE. Hawaii head of the Dale Carnegie courses and marketing specialist Jan Kaeo will speak at the next monthly SBH SUNRISE Networking Breakfast, Thursday, August 29, from 7-8:30 a.m. at the Pineapple Room, Macy’s, Ala Moana Center. Her topic will deal with employee and customer relations. Networking, full breakfast buffet, and business updates. All participants will be introduced. Come, say Aloha to our new SBH Assistant,Jaynahe Self, who joins us August 1. Info and reservations, call SBH at 396-1724.
SBH Business All Stars. The Small Business Hawaii Entrepreneurial Education Foundation will host its annual SBH Business All Stars Awards Banquet on Friday, September 20, at the Waialae Country Club from 5:30 to 8 p.m. Several business people will receive awards, there will be a sumptuous buffet, fun, entertainment, a silent auction and good networking. Sponsorships available (contact Malia Zimmerman at 306-3161) or to make reservations, contact SBH at 396-1724. Auction donations appreciated and welcome.


2013 awardees:


The SBH Lex Brodie Business Person of the Year” (2013) is John Carpenter of Island Slipper Company. John will be honored for his many years of business success, management style and keeping alive an iconic family business that he successfully expanded.


“The SBH Jean Fukuda Civic Leadership Award” goes to Vicky Cayetano of United Laundry Services for her role as successful businesswoman, civic leader and cultural advocate.


“SBH George Mason Outstanding Business Reporting awardee is Steve Petranik, editor of Hawaii Business Magazine. Petranik has written about, mentored and sponsored many small business individuals and events in Hawaii.


“SBH Business Boosters” are Ryan Ozawa and Bert Lum of Byte Marks Café. Both Ryan and Bert are techie experts who give their time and knowledge to the community and are regularly speak up for business and entrepreneurs in public, on radio and on television.


“SBH Young Entrepreneur of the Year,” 12-year old (that’s right, 12!) Skylar Soares, who, despite serious medical challenges, chose through Make A Wish Foundation, and the help of students at Hawaii Pacific University and Maryknoll School, to start her own successful sun-protection Hawaii hat business, “HI Sky.”


“SBH 2013 Business All-Stars Singled out for outstanding business contributions during the year are: Signe Godfrey, Olsten Personnel Services; Clark Hatch, Clark Hatch Fitness Center and Mark Storfer, Hilo Hattie.


Also receiving awards are “SBH Educator of the Year” John Sosa, Principal of Kaiser High School and “SBH Lifetime Business Achievement Award” John Henry Felix of HMAA.


SBH Welcomes Young Professionals. Smart Business Hawaii (SBH) is welcoming Young Entrepreneurs. The SBH YOUNG PROFESSIONALS is now up and running. Annual dues are only $75 for those under 30 years. Contact me directly (, go online ( or call 396-1724.


Hawaii, Hawaii’s first electronic daily newspaper launched in 2002, has all the breaking news and unlike other publications in town, is still free. Award winning Hawaii Reporter and Malia Zimmerman report daily (M-F) on theRick Hamada Show heard on KHVH radio on 830 AM at 7:05 am. Malia will share the news behind the news.


Tune in to Panos Prevedouros. SBH Director and UH Engineering Professor Dr. Panos Prevedouros is a weekly guest on Rick Hamada’s morning radio show every Tuesday from 7:05 a.m. to 8 am. Tune in!


Read SB NEWS. Don’t forget to read your current monthly SB NEWS by PDF attachment or link. More expanded news and views for the Hawaii business community.


Want More Business? JOIN SBH! Is YOUR business a member of SBH? No? Lots of benefits. Strong networking organization. Call 396-1724 or go online to


Advertise Here. Some readers have inquired about placing an ad on the right margin of these weekly blasts, which reach more than 15,000 people. Interested? If you want your business ad posted, the cost is $50 for one placement or $150 per month (4-5 placements). Contact 396-1724.


Want more local business information? Please visit the several SBH websites at, and


Celebrating a business milestone? Your business press releases are welcome in the weekly SBH News & Views e-News, which reaches more than 15,000 business owners and government leaders in Hawaii.


What? Not receiving your copy? Send PR, additional requests and email address to or call 396-1724.


SBH can help you with YOUR business. Just starting a business?   Call me personally for help at 396-1724 or email: Smart Business Hawaii Means Business and we’re here to help you.


As always, SBH appreciates your support, so please consider joining or sending a donation to help SBH continue to assist the private, independent businesses in our community.






