Peruvian Authorities: Van Der Sloot Confesses to Murder

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Joran Van der Slootis escorted by police officers outside a  Peruvian police station, 4 Jun 2010

A Dutch citizen has confessed to Peruvian authorities to killing a woman in a Lima hotel room last week.
Government authorities said Joran van der Sloot admitted under questioning late Monday that he murdered 21-year-old Stephany Flores.  Reports say Flores was found dead last Tuesday with a broken neck.

A videotape showed her at a Lima casino with van der Sloot last month.  Authorities in Peru say her body was discovered later in a Lima hotel where van der Sloot had stayed and that she had been stabbed.


Van der Sloot had traveled to Peru for a poker tournament.

The 22-year-old Dutchman also remains a suspect in the 2005 disappearance of an American teenager in Aruba.

Investigators say Flores was killed exactly five years after the May 30, 2005 disappearance of American Natalee Holloway during a school trip to the Caribbean island of Aruba.  Her body has never been found.

Van der Sloot was twice arrested in the highly publicized disappearance of the 18-year-old American woman.  Prosecutors said there was not enough evidence to charge anyone.

VOA News – Some information for this report was provided by AP and AFP.


