Benefits of Island Windmills Being Oversold? Scammer Uses Verizon Wireless Name to Target Hawaii Users; Obama Bites Dog

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These are the windmills at South Point that are being scrapped after they've dilapidated beyond repair

Benefits of Island Windmills Being Oversold?

Windmills – the use of this invention is controversial in Hawaii – particularly on the neighbor islands. Many residents on Molokai and Lanai oppose a plan to erect windmills on the islands, with the power going to the island of Oahu via an undersea cable.


On the Big Island, the failed windmill project at South Point, which has stood rusted and broken down for the past 6 years, is finally being scrapped. The windmills will be torn down and the metal recycled overseas, most likely in China, according to a Hawaii metal recycling consultant. The giant fixtures, many that have lost their arms, have stood as an eyesore and a reminder of how the technology failed island residents.

On Maui, the Kaheawa Wind Power, which is owned by UPC Hawaii Wind Partners LLC, operates a 30 megawatt (MW) wind farm. Many government officials tout its success.

Today in a press release, the state is touting a “key ruling by the state Public Utilities Commission” related to the wind farm that the Lt. Governor says “will save Maui electricity consumers about $300,000 a year and will help protect them from soaring oil prices in the future.”

The release said: “On Tuesday, the Hawaii PUC approved an amended power purchase contract between Kaheawa Wind Power, LLC and Maui Electric Company (MECO) which delinks the costs incurred for the renewable energy project with the price of fossil fuels… Kaheawa Wind Farm produces approximately 10 percent of Maui’s entire annual electricity requirements, and the price of this wind power is now substantially below the current cost of generating power using oil. With the new contract, as the price of oil goes up over time, the ratepayer savings will increase.”

The Lt. Governor said: “The economic benefits of the renegotiated contract are enormous.”

But at the end of the release, the state acknowledges this breaks down to just $5 per Maui resident. Enormous?

Scammer Uses Verizon Wireless Name to Target Hawaii Users

This note today just in from a Hawaii Reporter reader:

“I just got burned on my cell phone by a credit card scam using Verizon Wireless as the legitimate business.  A forceful  woman called me on my cell on the 19th around 5 pm saying that my cell bill was overdue and if it wasn’t paid immediately, my service would be disconnected.

“I thought she was wrong but she insisted. Well, I agreed to bring the bill current using my credit card.  (I had done it before with the “real” Verizon if my account was overdue).

“We went through the process of exchanging card information.  She gave me a payment confirmation and said I would receive an email.

“After I hung up, I checked my records, found a payment; so called I Verizon  to find out if my account in fact was delinquent. It was current.  I had been scammed. I am upset that I fell for fake scheme. I’ve taken remedial action to cancel the transaction, but I want to alert other Verizon customers to know about this ruse.

“Here were some red flags I ignored: no caller ID and restricted number notice. The caller was not polite as most are, from Verizon, even collections. Please put out an alert.”

Jill Bona, a spokesperson for Verizon in Hawaii, wrote to Hawaii Reporter today about this report.
She said: “We just wanted to send you an email to let you know Verizon Wireless is investigating this issue.”
“Also, for your quick reference, here is some information Verizon Wireless provides on its website about fraudulent emails, which could also be used for suspicious phone calls:”
“If you suspect that you have received a fraudulent Email, we suggest that you do not respond to the Email or the Email address in the body of the message, nor should you click on any embedded website links as these could lead to malicious websites. If you receive a suspicious Email purporting to be from Verizon Wireless, please forward it to or contact Customer Service immediately by calling 800.922.0204. Learn More“Also Verizon Wireless does not send Email notices asking for customer payment information, username, or passwords used to manage accounts.

“On a side note, if a customer has a question about their account, customers can also access their account via their internet browser at”

This report from the Daily Caller on the dog-eat-dog (ok president eats dog) controversy.

Hey, if we’re going to talk about how presidential candidates treated dogs decades ago, let’s talk about how presidential candidates treated dogs decades ago.

Can you name the author of this quote?

“With Lolo, I learned how to eat small green chill peppers raw with dinner (plenty of rice), and, away from the dinner table, I was introduced to dog meat (tough), snake meat (tougher), and roasted grasshopper (crunchy). Like many Indonesians, Lolo followed a brand of Islam that could make room for the remnants of more ancient animist and Hindu faiths. He explained that a man took on the powers of whatever he ate: One day soon, he promised, he would bring home a piece of tiger meat for us to share.”

Yep, that’s Barack Obama, writing about his childhood with his stepfather Lolo Soetoro in Indonesia, from Chapter Two of his bestseller Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance.

“So what? It was a long time ago,” you say. “He was a lot younger. Customs are different there. He was just doing what his stepfather told him. And hey, you can’t even prove that the dogs were ever left on top of a car, you racist.”

Hey, whatever you have to tell yourself, libs. Say what you want about Romney, but at least he only put a dog on the roof of his car, not the roof of his mouth. And whenever you bring up the one, we’re going to bring up the other.

It’s no fun when we push back, is it? That’s why it’s so much fun.

Update: I know the Secret Service has a lot to deal with right now, but are they protecting Bo? From Obama, I mean.

Update: Obama would never put a dog on top of a car. Dries out the meat.

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