Should the state legislate teacher evaluations?

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Teacher evaluations is a heated topic at the State Capitol. Educating our children is very important. Many of you have talked to me about your views supporting and opposing teacher evaluations that are imposed by the State Legislature. To see the bill SB 2789, click here. What are your thoughts?

VIDEO: Should the state legislate teacher evaluations? 

HDOT Updates
Use Kapolei Parkway when possible. Click here for an update from the Hawaii Department of Transportation on weekday roadwork on Oahu.  Or call the Hawaii Department of Transportation at 587-2160.

Fort Weaver Road repaving tentative schedule:
Monday Through Thursday April 16 to 19  from 7:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Full lane closures in the southbound direction between Karayan Street and Geiger Road. During construction hours, southbound traffic will be contraflowed using a northbound lane.

Fort Weaver Road resurfacing tentative schedule: 
Friday, April 20 from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Full lane closures in the northbound direction between Geiger Road and Karayan Street. During construction hours, northbound traffic will be contraflowed using a southbound lane.

Monday to Friday April 23 to 27 from 7:30 a.m. to  2 p.m.
Lane closures in the southbound side from Geiger to Keaunui.

Monday to Friday April 23 to 27 from 8:30 a.m. to  3 p.m.
Lane closures in the northbound side from Geiger to Keaunui.

Paving work should be completed up to Keoneula by the week of May 7. There still needs to be striping installed, utility manholes adjusted and vehicle detector loops installed. Most of the work anticipated to be completed by the end of May up to Keoneula Boulevard.

As always, please contact my office with questions or concerns at 586-9730 or email me at



