Small Business News – March 2003

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“Sam Slom Image”

”’The following column was reprinted with permission. To see the entire issue of Small Business News, the monthly publication for Small Business Hawaii, click on”’


Hawaii, like the rest of the Nation, is bracing for the possible impact of a war in Iraq. Hawaii’s economy, just starting to show signs of major recovery, could be one of the hardest hit states especially with the affect on tourism and air trans-portation. The Governor has already put together a task force as has the Legislature to study options and a course of action. We all hope that war doesn’t come, but if it does, we want to be prepared. Many of Hawaii’s sons and daughters have already been called up and we give them our 100% support along with that to our President.

Governor Linda Lingle, always the businesswoman, went to meet the President and top leaders at the White House after a Governors Conference and took along plenty of Hawaiian coffee. She intends to convince the White House to serve our coffee exclu-sively since it is the only coffee grown and
produced in the United States. And, it’s the best in the world! Local business people were amazed that we finally have a chief executive who really understands Hawaii business


