US Senators Demand Olympic Uniforms be Made in USA

This product image released by designer Ralph Lauren shows US athletes in their controversial 2012 London Olympics uniforms.
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This product image released by designer Ralph Lauren shows US athletes in their controversial 2012 London Olympics uniforms.

Six Democratic Party U.S. senators say they will introduce legislation next week requiring the ceremonial uniforms worn by American Olympic athletes to be made in the United States.

The move follows media reports that highlighted the “Made in China” labels on the red, white and blue patriotic clothing that will be worn by U.S. athletes at the games later this month in London.


Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has said the outsourcing decision was “absolutely wrong” at a time when U.S. textile industry workers are “desperate for jobs.”

The U.S. Olympic Committee said late Friday that it is too late to change this year’s uniforms, but stressed that apparel for the 2014 Winter Games in Russia will be made in America.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP and Reuters.


