Celebrating One Year Anniversary in Congress

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BY CONGRESSWOMAN COLLEEN HANABUSA – One year ago today, I was sworn in as your representative in the United States Congress. I cannot help but think about that day, and how honored I felt to be elected by the people of Hawai‘i. But the task of representing my constituents only began that day, and as this new year starts, I know we still have work to do.

I’m proud of what we’ve been able to accomplish together over these last twelve months — including standing up against cuts to Medicare, saving the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center in Oahu from budget cuts, and delivering more than $500 million in new defense construction projects in Hawai’i.

Together, we fought hard to protect hard-working Americans everywhere from an onslaught of pressure from special interests and Tea Party Republicans, and this fight has not yet concluded.

In 2012, I hope Congress will work past the bitter partisanship and election-year games to make progress on long-term solutions to our nation’s problems. I hope that we can build prosperity in America on the strength of working Americans, and not by kneeling to the wealthiest and most powerful few.

I am hopeful that 2012 can be different.

Abroad, I hope that we will begin to scale back our mission in Afghanistan, so that our valiant servicemen and women can return home to their families. One of our successes in 2011 was ending the mission in Iraq, and I hope that 2012 will bring us a similar triumph.

What are your wishes for 2012? As we embark on this new year, it would mean a great deal if you would share your hopes for 2012 with me on my Facebook page.

Your hopes, goals, and passion inspire me, and I will always keep them in mind as I work to represent you in Washington.

Today, I am as determined to make your hopes a reality as I was when I was sworn in one year ago, and I am hopeful for the progress we will make in Hawai‘i and in America in 2012.


