Chief Justice Seeks Public Comment on Judicial Nominees

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Chief Justice Mark Recktenwald

Chief Justice Mark E. Recktenwald announced today that he is seeking written comments on judicial nominees for one vacancy at the District Court of the First Circuit (island of O`ahu). The vacancy occurred when former District Judge Dean E. Ochiai was appointed to the Circuit Court of the First Circuit.

The names submitted for this position by the Judicial Selection Commission, in alphabetical order, are:

James H. Ashford
Brian A. Costa
William M. Domingo
Todd W. Eddins
Ronette M. Kawakami
James S. Kawashima
Linda S. Martell

Because the Chief Justice has the discretion to assign judges to the district court or district family court, comments about the qualifications and character of any of the nominees with regard to either calendar assignment may be sent, in writing, to:
Chief Justice Mark E. Recktenwald
Supreme Court of Hawai`i
417 S. King Street
Honolulu, HI 96813
Fax: 808-539-4703
Written comments must be post-marked, emailed, faxed, or hand delivered no later than FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 2013. All comments will be confidential.

The individual selected by the Chief Justice is subject to Senate confirmation.




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  2. The Chief Justice has the discretion to assign judges to the district court or district family court, comments about the qualifications and character of any of the nominees with regard to either calendar assignment may be sent

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