The Honolulu rapid Transit Authority has formally notified the City Council that it will begin acquiring public and private real estate along the 20-mile route of the

fixed-rail guideway.
Acting HART executive director Toru Hamayasu made the notification in a letter this week that lists nearly 200 parcels which will be acquired through negotiated purchases or eminent domain proceedings.
The parcels range in size from hundreds of acres all the way down to a 156-square-foot remnant on Kona Street near Ala Moana Center.
The list, identified by tax-map-keys, can be found here.
Most of the properties will be purchased outright but some will be the sites of access easements.
All the properties were listed in the final Environmental Impact Statement for the rail project.
The EIS estimated that the cost of acquiring land in the rail right-of-way would total $159 million.
The Hamayasu and EIS lists don’t identify the names of the property owners or their estimated values.
Much of that information, including tax values,can be found by plugging tax map keys into the City’s real property division search site here.
The HART website has links to detailed records including route information and siting of the 21 stations which are planned along the route from Kapolei to Ala Moana Center.
Good article. We need to keep on top of this and get the word out that rail is proceeding rapidly. We need to do more to stop it now before we as taxpayers are faced with more legal bills when the city starts to condemn without paying full market value.
Thanks for the links to help us reseach this further. Unlike a rag that will remain nameless.
Much of that information, including tax values,can be found by plugging tax map keys into the City’s real property division search site here.
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