Congresswoman Hirono Announces $398,550 in Federal Funding to Improve Educational Opportunities for Migrant Families on Hawaii Island

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Washington, D.C. – Congresswoman Mazie K. Hirono (D-Hawaii) today announced the awarding of a $398,550 U.S. Department of Education grant to improve the educational opportunities of migrant families on Hawaii Island through family literacy programs that integrate early childhood education, adult /child literacy, adult basic education, and parenting education.

This grant, awarded through the Migrant Education Even Start Program, provides the necessary funding to serve 75 migrant families in home as well as center-based programs at two State Department of Education West Hawaii Elementary Schools – Waimea Elementary School and Honaunau Elementary School.

For the past 8 years, Hawaii’s Migrant Education Even Start Program has helped fill educational gaps experienced by migrant students between early childhood education and kindergarten.

Under this program, families are encouraged to complete customized service plans that address various educational issues and challenges faced by the entire family unit. Migrant Education Even Start is committed to offering families the opportunity to discover, expand, and enhance their ability to teach their children the power of reading and writing.

The $398,550.00 grant will be utilized from October 1, 2010 through September 30, 2011.  It is anticipated the grant will be awarded each of the next 4 years.

Submitted by Marvin Buenconsejo for Congress Member Mazie Hirono




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