DCCA notice to Contractors | Friday: Last U.S. Shuttle Flight | Wanted: Family Resort for TV Reality Show | Who’s 5-0’s new Gov?

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BY SAM SLOM – Hope everyone enjoyed the 235th birthday party of American Independence, July 4. Both Kailua and Hawaii Kai Maunalua Bay Foundation achieved their hefty financial goals at the last minute so that the private July 4th celebrations could continue. Congratulations to all the volunteers and businesses-large and small- for stepping up for their communities. Walgreens, involved in the Foodland Koko Marina closing, donated $10,000 to the East Honolulu celebration.

There have been no public announcements involving Walgreens and the possible sub-lease to keep Foodland. If nothing changes in the next few days, Foodland is slated to close its doors on Sunday,  July 10 after 47 years in Hawaii Kai.

Kawika McGuire, has organized The Citizens Group, a non-partisan, grass-roots collection of East Honolulu residents mobilized by the Foodland issue, ” to ensure our food supply, we will be continuing its sign waving/information campaign at Koko Marina Shopping center to raise awareness of the impending food access crisis that the East Honolulu communities from Niu Valley to Waimanalo will be facing when 33,000 sq. feet of grocery store closes on July 10, 2011.  Between 10 am to 4 pm we will have pre-made signs available for supporters to use to educate others of this important community issue.”

Coincidental that the final report on the federal stimulus spending program was quietly released last Friday before the July 4 weekend. The report, not reported in most government media, confirmed that the only real jobs created were those in government. The cost per job? It was $278,000. Per government job.

Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard, nearly on the base closure list a short time ago, is getting a multi-million dollar facelift and production expansion that should guarantee Hawaii’s largest industrial employer’s future for many years to come.

Hawaii visitor arrivals and expenditures continue to grow swiftly.

Friday morning is the scheduled blastoff of Atlantis, the last U.S. shuttle flight. Bad weather may delay. This is the end of a successful space program with Hawaii ties.

Do you know Hawaii’s newest Governor? That’s right, the new “Governor” on Hawaii Five-0 will be, Richard T. Jones. Jones has been the star of FOX’s “Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles” and the current hit movie “Super 8.” According to TV Guide,  Jones will play the lieutenant governor who ascends to the top spot after the late TV governor’s assassination. Jones beat out several local actors. Neil Abercrombie did not apply.

Though he can’t join us, the late economist Milton Friedman will be honored on his 99th birthday, Friday, July 29 at a luncheon program in the Japanese Cultural Center. It is an annual event honoring the “Free to Choose” Chicago Nobel winner, sponsored by the Grassroot Institute of Hawaii (GRIH) and cosponsored by the SBH Entrepreneurial Education Foundation and other local groups. Want to attend? Contact GRIH at 591-9193.

Plan to attend the next monthly SBH SUNRISE Networking Breakfast meeting Thursday, July 28 from 7-8:30 am in the Pineapple Room, Macy’s Ala Moana Center. Complete buffet breakfast, networking, introductions and special guest speaker Fred Hemmings. Hemmings, most recently a State Senator, was a former world surfing chmpion, entrepreneur, author and currently, advocate for nuclear fuel alternatives in Hawaii. He will speak on “Hawaii Independence: Clean Energy Alternatives.” Don’t miss his presentation. Bring a friend. Call Darlyn @ SBH, 396-1724.

The Reapportionment Commission voted 8-1 last Wednesday to count all military in its total figures. If counted, Oahu will  continue with the same number of state senators; if excluded, Hawaii Island would gain and Oahu would lose one senator. The draft plan is due in August.

Want more local business information? Please visit the several SBH websites at:: www.smartbusinesshawaii.com, www.educate808.com and www.sbhfoundation.org.

Award winning Hawaii Reporter and Malia Zimmerman report daily (M-F) on the Rick Hamada Show, KHVH radio on 830 AM at 6:20 am. Malia also reports on Kauai’s KKCR with Sandy Brodie on Tuesday mornings, on the station’s “Morning Paper.” She will report the news behind the news for you.

FOX News online did a positive review of HR on July 2.

You’ll like the keynote speaker at the Small Business Hawaii Entrepreneurial Education Foundation Awards Banquet Friday, September 16, 5:30 – 8 pm, Waialae Country Club. Announcement next week. Send business nominees to SBH@lava.net.

What? Not receiving your copy? Send PR, additional requests and email address to SBH@lava.net or call Darlyn at 396-1724.

Let SBH help you with YOUR business. Just starting a business?   Call me personally for help at 396-1724 or email: SBH@lava.net. Smart Business Hawaii Means Business and we’re here to help you.

