REPORT FROM FORMER CONGRESSMAN ED CASE’S CAMPAIGN FOR US SENATE – Former U.S. Congressman and U. S. Senate candidate Ed Case (D-HI) issued this statement today on the U.S. Senate vote against the Paycheck Fairness Act.
“Senate Republicans’ unanimous vote today to filibuster the Paycheck Fairness Act demonstrates everything that’s wrong with Washington.
“On substance, it shocks me that anyone could still believe women are not entitled to equal pay for equal work. Not only is this fundamentally unfair as discrimination pure and simple, but it has a real world effect on so many families where women are the sole wage earner.
“And on procedure, there is not a plainer example of the need for filibuster reform in the Senate, because this bill fully deserves an up or down vote on its merits. I urge the Senate Republicans to change their minds immediately and allow a straight vote as soon as possible.”
S. 3220, the Paycheck Fairness Act, would enhance protections and remedies for women in sex discrimination lawsuits and close loopholes in current law. A Senate motion to break the filibuster fell short of the required 60 votes, 52-47, with all Republicans opposing the motion.
Case issued his agenda item, Advancing Women’s Rights, on April 28 before speaking at the Unite Against the War on Women rally at the State Capitol. One of Case’s primary women’s agenda items is ensuring equal pay for equal work. He also called for filibuster reform in his earlier Fixing DC agenda. All of Case’s agendas are available at www.edcase.com/issues/agenda.