GOP: HD11 Candidate Kaniela Ing Could Face $14,000 Fines, Felony Charges

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Elections 2012
Illustration by Emily Metcalf

REPORT FROM THE HAWAII GOP – The Hawaii Republican Party is filing a complaint today with the Hawaii Campaign Spending Commission against ‘Friends of Kaniela Ing.’

Hawaii Republican Party Vice-Chair Boyd Ready filed the complaint this morning on behalf of the Party.  Said Ready: “Ing looks like a Rod Tam in training.  We call on the Campaign Spending Commission to act quickly to investigate these complaints.”

Taken entirely from Friends of Kaniela Ing campaign spending reports, Ing campaign event announcements, and other public information, the 19-page complaint asks the Commission to sanction House District 11 candidate Mark Kaniela Ing for numerous violations of campaign spending law.  Allegations include:

·         use of illegal campaign contributions to obtain public funding,

·         Mr. Ing taking over $5,900 in cash from his own Committee without appropriate receipts or descriptions,

·         holding multiple fundraisers without the required notices, and

·         failing to report expenses for fundraisers.

The sheer number of infractions, and the disregard of Hawaii campaign spending laws supports over $14,000 in fines which may be imposed under law.  Moreover, HRS 11-412(b) provides: “Any person who knowingly or intentionally falsifies any report required by this part with the intent to circumvent the law or deceive the commission … shall be guilty of a class C felony.”

