Hawaii GOP: Attack Ad Against Aiona/Finnegan Misses the Mark

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BY TRAVIS TAYLOR – Our opponents’ latest attack ad takes one line out of a speech about a balanced, two-party system in state government in a desperate attempt to avoid the fact that Neil Abercrombie wants to apply his Washington brand of politics and values to increase the cost of living here in Hawaii.

Duke was discussing the kind of Washington policies that our opponent supports, which have resulted in part in approximately $18 million worth of stimulus funds going to Americans who have passed away and approximately $4.3 million to those who are incarcerated.

Our opponent is losing the battle of ideas and real solutions.

Duke and Lynn are offering the people of Hawaii real solutions to create job opportunities, strengthen the economy and reform our public education system.

The people of Hawaii want us to focus on the issues, not more partisan rhetoric.”

Travis Taylor is the Communications Director for the Aiona-Finnegan Campaign

