Help the Honolulu Police Commission Select a Pro-Second Amendment Police Chief-Please Stand-Up and Make Your Voices Heard

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On Friday, November 13, the Honolulu Police Commission will be making its first round of selections for Chief of the Honolulu Police Department.

Because much of the anti-gun legislation that has been put forth before the Hawaii Legislature has been generated by former Honolulu Police Chiefs, it is very important that the pro-second amendment community make its voice heard in the selection process.

For this reason, we are asking that you support the nomination of Captain Louis M. Kealoha. Captain Kealoha has been identified by NRA and our state affiliate, the Hawaii Rifle Association, as the most qualified candidate for the job who understands the concerns of law-abiding gun owners.

Captain Kealoha is a 26 year veteran police officer, currently a Captain of the HPD Juvenile Services Division. He started as a patrol officer, 1983-’89, serving since in narcotics, internal affairs, and training divisions.

A Damien High School graduate, he has his Doctorate in Education from the University of Southern California, a Master’s of Science in Criminal Justice Administration, a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration and Criminal Justice, and is currently an Adjunct Professor, Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice, at Chaminade University.

He is a native Hawaiian, family man, churchgoer, and community volunteer. I think he will have the respect of his command and serve the community best.

Please send in the support letter today. Comments and letters need to be received by the Commission no later than Thursday, November 12 and can be sent either by U.S. Mail or by emailing the Commission at

‘Wayne LaPietra is with the NRA’

