Honolulu Mayoral Candidate Ben Cayetano Has Strong Environmental Record

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Former Gov. Ben Cayetano

Ben Cayetano testified in person before the State Land Use Commission against the massive Ho’opili development which would  pave over 1,525 acres of the highest producing farmland on O’ahu.  Cayetano said he felt compelled to testify because the project would destroy 34% of the O’ahu land currently supplying fresh fruits and vegetables for the local market.

Ben Cayetano has vigorously stated, before the Land Use Commission and many times elsewhere, that the paramount authority for preserving agricultural land is the injunction of the Hawai`i State Constitution “to conserve and protect agricultural lands, promote diversified agriculture, increase agricultural self-sufficiency and assure the availability of agriculturally suitable lands” (Article XI).

Kirk Caldwell, in contrast, supports the Ho’opili rezoning, supports development of Koa Ridge, and stands with the developers of Envision La’ie.  Caldwell’s background is mainly in development and finance.

Kirk’s environmental record is weak, while Mr. Cayetano has a strong and lengthy record of service to the environmental preservation and management of our island. 

We strongly urge you to vote for Ben Cayetano as the next mayor of Honolulu!

Mahalo for your ongoing support,





  1. We voted early for Ben. Amazingly, many people in our institution who are union members voted early for Ben; It seems they do not see a leadership qualities in Kirk who are supported by the PRP and other interest groups.

  2. Yeah I'd vote for Ben Cayetano because his record is good and he can help the people for better future. KIRK is so NOT GOOD cause he wants rail. Rail does not even help but only costs more money.

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