Let Freedom Ring National Bell Ringing-Celebrating the Independence of the United States of America July 4, 2006, at 8 a.m. Hawaii Standard Time

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The Hawaii Society of the Sons of the American Revolution joins with all Americans in ringing bells at 2 p.m. Eastern Time (8 a.m. Hawaii Standard Time) on July 4.

Stewardship began in 1969 with the Pennsylvania Sons of the American Revolution, and today it is celebrated across the nation. In accordance with U.S. Congressional Resolution Number 25, bells across the country are rung thirteen times in honor of the thirteen original states that the signers of the Declaration of Independence represented. Every Independence Day, at the appointed hour, four young descendants of the signers of the Declaration of Independence will tap Philadelphia’s famous Liberty Bell, setting off the chimes of freedom from bell towers throughout the country.

The Hawaii Society of the Sons of the American Revolution sponsors this event in Hawaii, and calls upon Hawaii’s citizens, churches and institutions to rings bells thirteen times at 8am on the morning of July 4.

For further information visit the official web site at: https:///www.let-freedom-ring.org

The mission of the Hawaii Society of the Sons of the American Revolution is to preserve and perpetuate the memory of those men and women whose service and sacrifice during the American Revolution secured independence for the American people and established the United States of America; to unite and promote fellowship among their descendants; inspire them and their communities with a more profound reverence for the principles of the representative government; to encourage historical research and the dissemination of knowledge about the American Revolution; maintain and expand the institutions of American freedom; promote the purposes expressed in the Declaration of Independence and the preamble of the Constitution; and to foster patriotism.

”’Jeffrey Bingham Mead is director of Communications and Chaplain for The Hawaii Society of the Sons of the American Revolution and can be reached via email at:”’ mailto:jmead@aloha.net ”’or”’ mailto:history@aloha.net

“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” – Benjamin Franklin 1706-1790

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