Location for New Kona Judiciary Complex Narrowed to Six Sites

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The Hawaii State Department of Accounting and General Services and the Hawaii State Judiciary have identified six possible sites in the Kailua-Kona area for a new court complex that would serve the West Hawaii community.
A Site Selection Study and Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) will be completed for each of the following sites:




Site Site Name Tax Map Key (TMK)* Land Owner
A Kaloko Makai 3-7-3-009:017 SCD-TSA Kaloko Makai LLC
B Kealakehe 3-7-4-020:007 Dept of Land and Natural Resources/County of Hawaii
C Civic Center 3-7-4-020:003 Dept of Hawaiian Homelands (DHHL)
D Lanihau/DHHL 3-7-4-009:005 3-7-4-021:008 Lanihau Properties LLC/DHHL
E La`i`Opua 3-7-4-021:023 La`i`Opua 2020 (DHHL)
F Makalapua Center 3-7-4-020:010 Queen Liliuokalani Trust

*The sites are identified on the this map (6.7 mb PDF file). TMK maps are available on the Hawaii County’s website at www.co.hawaii.hi.us/maps/tmk/zone.htm

The Draft EIS is anticipated to be released by mid-2011 and the Final EIS will be completed sometime this fall. The final selection of a preferred site will be made by the Chief Justice.

Although ten sites were initially identified in the Environmental Impact Statement Preparation Notice, four were added based on community input from a public meeting in Kona and communications with State and County representatives and private land owners.

The 14 sites were evaluated and rated according to lot size, land ownership, roadway access, slope, flood hazards, access to utilities, land use classifications and other criteria. The site’s proximity to the West Hawaii Civic Center, proximity to Kailua-Kona Village, and compatibility with the Kona Community Development Plan were also considered. The six sites identified for further study had the highest ratings.

A new, more secure and efficient courthouse is badly needed for West Hawaii, which is why the Judiciary is asking the Legislature to appropriate funds in the next biennium for design and land acquisition. Currently, court cases filed in Kona are handled at three different facilities, none of which were designed as a courthouse.

Submitted by the state Judiciary

