No Pollitical Courage Needed to Lobby Against Tax Increase

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“State Sen. Sam Slom, R-Hawaii Kai, who serves as president of Small Business Hawaii, hit the governor hard at the Monday night meeting, which he co-hosted with three other lawmakers opposing the tax hike including Rep. Galen Fox, R-Waikiki; Sen. Gordon Trimble, R-Waikiki; and City Council Member Charles Djou [who represents the area from Waikiki to Hawaii Kai].” ”’– Taken from a story in Hawaii Reporter called “Surrounded By Democrats at the Capitol, Hawaii’s Republican Governor Rescinds Decision to Veto Tax Increase Measure” See:”’

Duh? When you see where all these guys live, it’s patently obvious: not one of them gives a hoot about fixing traffic problems west of Downtown. Their attitude: It ain’t my problem, so I won’t help fix it. Which, by the way, could have been my attitude — but wasn’t — during the massive reconstuction of Kalanianaole Highway a few years back.

Only the most naive or myopic fail to see this. Charles Djou would ”’of course”’ be singing a different tune if he represented “the area from Aiea to Ewa.” As would all the rest if they, like the governor whom Slom “hit hard,” had to represent voter concerns from across the whole island. As it is, it takes zero political courage to take their positions.

”’Mike Rohrer is a resident of Mililani.”’

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