Political Correctness – Go Figure

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Jerry Burris in the April 3, 2003 ”’Honolulu Advertiser”’ article headlined “Freudian slips of the tongues?” wonders if Sen. Trent Lott, Rep. Barbara Cubin of Wyoming and Rep. Howard Coble had really misspoken when they made statements that did not conform to “political correctness.”

Never mind if it was true as the speaker perceived the subject; it was nonetheless horrible in the eye of Jerry Burris.

But what of the fellow who actually did a foul deed — that is, not only talked about such but really carried it out with enthusiasm and malice aforethought?

According to most members of the Democratic Party of Hawaii, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the person who unjustifiably interned thousands of Japanese-Americans in the USA during WW II, is a hero.

He actually walked his talk without any help from Freud when he signed Executive Order 9066.

Yet he remains above criticism. He never, ever expressed any regret as did those named above.

Go figure.

”’Richard O. Rowland is president of the Grassroot Institute of Hawaii. He can be reached via email at:”’ mailto:grassroot@hawaii.rr.com

