Rally Time: Civil Union Bills Set for Tuesday Hearing in House Judiciary

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BY GARETT HASHIMOTO – SB 232 SD1 Relating to Civil Unions is scheduled for hearing next week Tuesday.

In addition to this bill, another civil union bill (HB 1453 Relating to Legal Relationships) will also be heard.

The members of the House Judiciary committee need to hear from you today with
your strong reasons for opposition.

DATE: Tuesday, February 8, 2011
TIME: 2:15 p.m.
PLACE: Auditorium

What is interesting, is that in that same hearing, a bill to give religious institutions protection from being forced to solemnize same-sex “marriages” and/or civil union relationships are also scheduled.

We are asking you to do five things:

1) Submit testimony opposing both SB 232 SD1 and HB 1453 to JUDtestimony@capitol.hawaii.gov
2) Submit testimony supporting HB 1244 relating to solemnization to JUDtestimony@capitol.hawaii.gov
3) Call the members of the House Judiciary Committee below and ask them to OPPOSE SB 232 SD1 and HB 1453 but SUPPORT HB 1244.
4) Ask 10 people to do the same thing.
5) Show up at the hearing (and bring 2-3 friends with you) wearing your white shirts.


Rep. Gilbert S.C. Keith-Agaran, Chair  |  Phone:  (808) 586-6210
Rep. Karl Rhoads, Vice Chair  |  Phone:  (808) 586-6180
Rep. Tom Brower|  Phone:  (808) 586-8520
Rep. Rida T.R.  Cabanilla|  Phone:  (808) 586-6080
Rep. Mele Carroll|  Phone:  (808) 586-6790
Rep. Robert N. Herkes  |  Phone:  (808) 586-8400
Rep. Ken Ito  |  Phone:  (808) 586-8470
Rep. George R. Fontaine  |  Phone:  (808) 586-8525
Rep. Sylvia Luke  |  Phone:  (808) 586-8530
Rep. Barbara C. Marumoto  |  Phone:  (808) 586-6130
Rep. Angus L.K. McKelvey  |  Phone:  (808) 586-6160
Rep. Hermina M. Morita  |  Phone:  (808) 586-8435
Rep. Blake Oshiro  |  Phone:  (808) 586-6340
Rep. Joseph M. Souki  |  Phone:  (808) 586-9444
Rep. Cynthia Thielen  |  Phone:  (808) 586-6480
Rep. Clift Tsuji  |  Phone:  (808) 586-8480

Garett Hashimoto is the head of the Hawaii Family Forum.




  1. It’s so important to make known EVERYONE is entitled to vote their value system, to help decide a secular view of what civil unions can be. Same-sex couples do not DESERVE the same rights as motherhood and parenthood – no matter what wording they give it.
    If a same-sex couple wishes more rights, there’s already a Reciprocal Beneficiaries Relationship law in Hawaii. The burden of proof is on the people of homoSx behavior to show they constitute a legal MINORITY class. There’s no clear-cut scientific evidence for that consideration. The congressional committees avoid looking at the lack of scientific basis for homosx behavior. It is a behavior, just like alcoholism is. Any of us could decide to experiment with homosx behavior,…. though it would be difficult to admit it; the sexual drive is so strong…

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