Rep. Chris Lee Destroys Hawaii’s Options for Geothermal, Solar Power

Mililani Trask
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Mililani Trask
Mililani Trask

BY MILILANI TRASK –  Recently, I was forwarded links to blog posts by state Rep. Chris Lee, D-Lanikai/Waimanalo, who is running for re-election to the House, and a letter he sent to Hawaiian Homesteaders.

In these communications, Lee attacks me as well as my company, Indigenous Consultants, and the Innovations Development Group. He also tries to justify his successful efforts to kill all geothermal bills introduced in the Hawaii legislature. Lee never had the integrity to send me these blog entries or a copy of the letter, but they have been forwarded and I would like to reply to them directly.


The IDG, the DLNR, DBEDT, State Energy Department and I, as well as many others in the renewable energy field, have tried for years to get the legislature to pass energy bills.

Every bill – including all the geothermal bills for the last 2 years – have been killed by Chris Lee, chair of the House Energy Committee.

Although Lee insists he supported ‘County Home Rule’, he refused to accept simple clear language in the bill acknowledging that the Counties had the authority to regulate geothermal as they saw fit.

Instead, Lee came up with pages of “amendments” requiring costly studies and lengthily delays. He said that he had added the restrictions to protect the public and the environment from the threat of geothermal fracking and the danger of geothermal development.

Based on these excuses, Lee held the geothermal bill until the deadline had passed, ensuring it would die again.

Here is the letter sent by West Hawaii Planning Commissioner Wally Ishibashi to Senator Malama Solomon, D-Hawaii Island, when Lee held the geothermal bill for a “Conference Committee” last session. See Ishibashi Letter

Solomon sent the letter to Lee to demonstrate that his amendments were not needed because the County regulations already required the studies, which the County was paying for with the royalty funds they receive.

Ishibashi noted that Lee was not supporting Home Rule, but circumventing it by imposing state regulations that were not needed and duplicative.

Lee ignored the County Planning Commission letter.

When we called to request that he move ahead to Conference Committee, we learned that Lee had no intention of moving any geothermal bill out.  His goal was to double development costs, create delays in the geothermal development process and impose unnecessary requirements that Homesteaders would not be able to cover. His goal was to stop geothermal development.

If you check the record, you will see that for the past several years Lee has supported anti- fracking legislation to “protect the public from the threat of geothermal.”

There is no fracking in Hawaii, it is a technology used for gas and oil development. We do not have gas or oil in Hawaii.  Fracking is not being used in Hawaii and could not be used here because Hawaii has permeable soil.

The University of Hawaii Center for Active Volcanoes (Don Thomas), the DBEDT and DLNR all submitted testimony on this, but Lee ignored it.

We even had our geothermal expert from New Zealand send in testimony providing the scientific reasons why fracking could not be used in Hawaii, but it was also ignored by Lee.

When I asked Lee where the franking was being tested in Hawaii and who was using the technology, he refused to respond.

Instead, Lee said that geothermal developers, the IDG and myself were all lying and we were opposing fracking because we had something to hide.

In my testimony, I pointed out that Lee had inserted a definition of fracking that was neither scientific nor accurate.

I testified that his definition of fracking was so vague that it would prevent drilling for water exploration.

When this turned out to be true, Lee responded by saying he would insert new language, keeping the vague definition of fracking, but saying that drilling for water would be allowed.

I think racism is also involved in Lee’s opposition to the IDG and the effort of other Hawaiians to get geothermal development moving under the Hawaii Clean Energy Initiative.

I say this because for the last several years Lee has insisted that geothermal was dangerous and needed to be strictly regulated for public safety.

He has taken every step he could to stop and prevent the Waimanalo Homesteaders from moving their Green plan for Waimanalo (it has been supported by the Waimanalo Neighborhood Board). The plan would allow for geothermal steam to be used for hothouse agriculture for growing tomatoes on the homestead.

The Homesteaders plan does not include electricity generation or building a plant. It only allows for using steam from the ground for agricultural purposes.

Under existing law, Homesteaders can do this. In order to prevent the use of steam by the Homesteaders, Lee inserted into the bill language requiring that geothermal could only be developed for electricity generation.

This would make it unlawful for anyone in Hawaii to develop geothermal energy resources for steam for hothouse agriculture, hydrogen for hydrogen cars or ammonia for fertilizer.

This would limit geothermal development to the production of electricity for HECO to sell – a great boon for HECO, but a huge loss for Hawaii’s effort to become energy self-sufficient.

Lee has been very supportive of the HECO effort to bring online technology for charging electric cars. This would increase HECO electricity sales and facilitate another HECO monopoly, but Lee has steadfastly resisted replacing fossil fuel vehicles with hydrogen vehicles.

IDG is a Hawaiian company that supports the right of indigenous peoples to own, control and develop their natural resources, including energy resources.

The DHHL Waimanalo Homesteaders are also Hawaiians. Lee has tried to kill their effort to grow food using steam.

However, when non-Hawaiians sought special legislation to allow them to develop geothermal resources without any County or State Regulations, Lee not only supported their effort, but waived review of their bill so it would pass his committee without a hearing.

I am referring to SB 2274, legislation that Sen. Russell Ruderman, D-Hawaii Island introduced allowing “Seaview Estates” to develop geothermal without any regulation.

Recently, Seaview has been in the news because they have operated for years on Hawaii Island without County and State permits and have encroached onto state conservation land to cut down and sell rare Hawaiian trees for illegal sale.

The only difference with the Seaview group and the Waimanalo Homesteaders is their ethnicity – they are haole and IDG, myself and the Homesteaders are Hawaiians.

Finally, Lee has told people that I support geothermal because I want to make millions of dollars. Here is a little fact check. I live in O’laa, an unimproved subdivision in Kurtistown in a small 2- bedroom house. I built it myself – self- help. I have no water service, but use a catchment tank.  Our roads are unimproved. I certainly do not have million of dollars and I am not on the IDG board and never have been. My small LLC, Indigenous Consultants, works with indigenous people involved with renewable energy development.

As I understand it, Lee lives in Lanikai, one of the wealthiest districts on Oahu, with his mom and dad. If Lee or anyone else has evidence that I have made “millions” please send it to me with the bank account number so I can make a withdrawal.

The bottom line is that Chris Lee is a “HECO boy.” He has ensured that any bill HECO opposes gets killed or deferred, while supporting all HECO initiatives.

If you really want to see how Lee works, read the REACH (Renewable Energy Action Coalition of Hawaii) report from the last legislative session. See it here: REACH Hawaii State Legislation Wrapup 2014

The report explains how Lee used the gut and replace process to kill both resolutions calling for 100 percent renewable energy.

The only bill Lee worked on for passage last session was the gay marriage bill that he championed and had passed. No progress was made on energy last session or the previous session.

You may want to track what occurred with the solar bills the last two sessions. Hundreds of ratepayers, industrial users and companies went to the legislature to testify about HECO’s grid problems.

Lee heard every bill proposed for the solar industry and made sure none passed.  This gave HECO the time to impose their new rules to delay consumer hook-ups to the grid and to impose thousands of dollars for hook-up costs on ratepayers.

The solar industry collapsed before the 2014 session opened and many solar companies went bankrupt but HECO still reported a huge profit and still gave their Executives a 5 million dollar bonus.

Energy is a critical issue for Hawaii. We need leadership in the House that will stand up to the HECO monopoly and move forward with the Democratic Party promise that Hawaii will have a State Energy authority. This promise was made in the last election and never fulfilled.

Mililani B Trask is a candidate for the Office of Hawaiian Affairs





  1. Having lived with and next to geothermal since the first experiments began at HGP-A in 1981. I disagree, I thank Chris Lee for helping prevent the big geothermal rip off at 50 million a megawatt, if they could find a resource beyond PGV at all. Chris Lee did not act by himself to help save tax payers, ratepayers, and investors from this sure loser. Hundreds of island residents sent testimony in support of Lee's position during the hearings.

    In the meantime no new geothermal has been built since PGV's problem plagued plant in 1991. However just last year Hawaii did add 179 megawatts of solar power and this year it will be significantly more than that.

    Geothermal has been promising clean, cheap power for 30 years, where is it? That boat sailed long ago, we already pay the highest rates in the country and at 250 million for a fifty megawatt plant plus distribution cost (the grid) and years to fight the community? Geothermal will continue to be the sure loser the record shows it has been here to date. Geothermal provides just 38 jobs , and 38 megawatts at one power plant after over thirty years of government help and support.

    Why does the community refuse to accept more you may wonder? That one plant (PGV) has had 17 civil defense declared emergencies already. Name another plant where people regularly had to evacuate their homes and communities. The economics of geothermal are questionable at best, so why fight what people want in their communities to try and force it down their throats? People want solar not geothermal and are voting with their wallets, the market clearly is going to determine what energy technology will succeed.

    Solar in comparison provides thousands of good paying jobs in Hawaii right now and that job growth is moving faster than anyone imagined it could. Remember over 350 megawatts of solar were added in Hawaii in just the last 2 years. Many of the people who live near the geothermal experiments, reject HEL CO and geothermal instead welcoming living on independent solar.

    On the continent (mainland) solar already provides more jobs than coal. Geothermal can hope to not compete with the new battery technology being tested on Hawaii Island right now, and the pump storage system Parker Ranch just put out the RFP for. Bloom box fuel cells and many other options will be in place before a geothermal plant could even begin to drill. Geothermal is doomed, even the "new" geothermal EGS or fracking will never work, that is what Lee saw and was fighting for.

    Invest in these projects with your eyes open, they have been and will continue to be losers in Hawaii. The opposition to more geothermal is formidable and made up of people who have lived with it for decades, we know about geothermal, it is a loser. Next………….

  2. The people of the Big Island have been lied to for years by their and our politicians to protect, support, and perpetuate the utility monopoly. New geothermal technology is safe, clean, and cheap energy as shown in 34 other countries around the world, including New Zealand, and Iceland, where hydro & geothermal have been used for over 50 years. Residents of Iceland pay $0.05 cents a kWh for electricity. We pay 35 to 45. Big Island folks should stop judging or comparing current technology with the 20 year old technology of PGV. In fact, they probably have not bothered to learn something about the new technology because their mind is already made up for them by a bad experience with PGV and because of political lies that will continue. Neil Abercrombie's whole energy plan on which he ran for Governor was shelved once in office so he could support his pals at HECO. He lied then to get elected and continues to lie to get reelected.

    Chris Lee, Russell Ruderman, Mike Gabbard, and Neil Abercrombie are all HECO boys, its puppets that will do whatever the HECO monopoly tells them to do for its survival as a monopoly for another 100 years, including lie to the people. They are the biggest impediments to renewable energy in Hawaii, and all of them must be removed from power so we can move forward to a clean, sustainable energy future without further obstructionism by them and the monopoly which controls them.

  3. Council Votes to Forfeit Geothermal Grant…..The reason…"It’s the highest risk project that you could ever do." …

    Thanks again Chris Lee for helping save Hawaii ratepayers from more of the same rip off energy policy politics that has driven the failing geothermal industry in Hawaii for decades. The future is here now in options, geothermal can not compete in Hawaii. Geothermal in Hawaii politics is all about money and who makes it, not about what is best for our people's and environment.

    Point in fact: Ed Wagner's comment is ignorant at best, he clearly know very little about geothermal or what future energy will be like in 5 or 10 years in Hawaii as his comment shows. Therefore his endorsements are dangerous. As some who lives with this daily, I can say with confidence, if you want to talk about political lies Ed, your comments here would be the best place to start. What a bunch of baloney that comment was…..

    FYI…..Chris Lee is not alone, Hawaii is lucky to have him looking out for us.

    Unalaska got the $1 million matching grant from the Department of Energy back in 2009 — but they haven't been able to work with the Aleut Corporation to use it at Makushin.

    City manager Chris Hladick says the project isn't practical anymore: "The thing is far north of $300 million to build it," he said. "It’s the highest risk project that you could ever do." …

    • If geothermal is such a high risk project, why is it being used in 34 countries, including New Zealand, Iceland. and even in mainland USA? Have you visited a modern geothermal plant like I did last August in Iceland? Residents pay 5 cents a kWh for electricity. What do you pay? 40 to 45, right? After paying off capital costs, PGV generates electricity at 8-9 cents / kWh but you are paying 40 to 45. Iceland hasn't used fossil fuel for over 50 years except for transportation.

      Are you suggesting that intermittent solar and wind, even with battery backup, can operate a hospital, military base, airport, University, or Etc. ? Geothermal energy is firm 24/7 power rain or shine. Even the Sierra Club supports geothermal energy in CA. but not here. The national organization has no standard national policy on geothermal energy. That's laughable.

      Landmark Legislation Could Put Geothermal Back on Track for California

      Environmental groups like Sierra Club California and Defenders of Wildlife; labor representatives, including CA State Association of Electrical Workers and Desert Valleys Builders Association; water groups, such as IID and Latino Water Coalition; and industry experts have rallied in support of geothermal energy.

      Both David Ige and Neil Abercrombie support further geothermal development so that means you won't vote for either one, right?

      Even the US Congress is now passing laws to speed up geothermal development.

      Three Geothermal Bills Look to Speed Up US Development

      I suggest to stop hanging on to the past, stop listening to all the politicians's lies to protect the utility monopoly, and start embracing the new, safe, clean, and cheap geothermal energy like the rest of the world is embracing. Stop living in the 19th century like the utility monopoly is still doing.

      Chris Lee is a HECO puppet just like Ruderman, Gabbard, and Abercrombie, all stonewalling renewable energy development to protect the monopoly. They all must be removed from office for the good of Hawaii's economy and we must embrace a much more efficient and cost effective unicameral legislature like Senator Sam Slom advocates.

      • How's your geothermal now bra??? PGV goes out of control again last night, an evacuation is ordered but no one can get out….That is geothermal in Hawaii today Ed like it or not. Wait till you see the upcoming litigation.

        I have been off line since our cell tower went down along with half the albezia in Puna. PGV went out of control venting on a trapped community last night during the hurricane, Ed. You have no idea what you are talking about if you think this is safe or economical. Geothermal has already failed in Hawaii. If you can not see that it shows a lack of understanding bigger picture.

        When I get internet service again and a phone I will be back. However in the meantime you watch what comes out about geothermal here in the next 2 weeks my friend. It will be the true story. You want to learn about geothermal go to and search the links, I posted most of the hundreds there, then talk to me about geothermal.

      • Like I said before, you are dealing with 20 year old technology that isn't used in the world anymore. Stop listening to the lies and scare tactics being used by Chris Lee, and Russel Ruderman. Neither of them know their okole from a hole in the ground. They are totally ignorant and incompetent to serve the public. They serve only one entity, Wolf Electric Industries.

        You are ASSUMING ( Make an ass out of you and me ) that the new, clean, safe geothermal energy is not safe without even having any knowledge about it. Are you an expert in geothermal development? Obviously not. Have you ever visited a modern geothermal plant like I did in Iceland last August? I seriously doubt it. You are totally ignorant of the facts, like Lee, Ruderman, and others, because you choose to judge new technology on the basis of bad old technology without even knowing the facts about the new technology.

        Go ahead and sue PGV. That will be one less bidder in the geothermal RFP so the competent bidders will succeed in pushing HELCO's monopoly partner out of the way. The County of Hawaii should condemn PGV's plant by eminent domain and take control of it.

        By your own logic, you shouldn't be using a cell phone or new car or a computer, or Etc. because all this new technology is bad and of no value to society. Didn't you know that some scientists suggest that cell phones have the potential to cause brain cancer?

      • I am finally back online after the hurricane

        Show us the "new" technology Ed. Explain it right here if you can. What is it exactly and do not spin this either answer the question or quit blowing smoke.

        In the meantime here ya go Ed.

        How about those voting numbers, Chris Lee rocked the house. Mahalo Waimanalo.

      • I suspect that no matter what information I provide, and there is a lot out there, you would not listen to the facts because your mind is already made up as a result of your experience with 20 year old technology and the continuing stonewalling and lies being told by Chris Lee and Russell Ruderman and others to maintain the hysteria among folks like yourself.

        You would rather listen to politicians who support the HECO monopoly which, in reality, does not want geothermal energy because it can't compete and continue making its exorbitant profits, excessive executive compensation, and exorbitant dividend that is twice the average of mainland utilities. It would rather burn bio-fuel in its ancient plants to continue polluting the environment that to embrace clean renewable energy and take a loss in profits.

        Geothermal energy is base load energy which means it generates electricity 24/7. OTEC should be able to do the same. Solar power, although clean, is intermittent energy, and running a University campus, an airport, a military base, a hospital, Etc. on solar power with battery backup, to me is a pipe dream, far from reality. Maybe a Zero Point Module ( ZPM ) from the TV show, Stargate Atlantis will be used someday or a small matter-antimatter reactor like used to power the Starship Enterprise.

        The microgrid being developed by Parker Ranch’s new Paniolo Power company, formed to compete with HELCO to lower rates, is a start in the right direction.

        The utility company is fighting for survival now and will do whatever it takes to do so including lie and deceive, with and without the help of its political puppets. That is why the entire process has dragged on and on to help HECO / HELCO / MECO figure out a way to survive.

        Nothing of any substance has been passed and signed into law to really move Hawaii forward to a clean renewable energy future, by our inept so-called “leaders” in the Legislature, the past 4 years or by our equally inept Governor Abercrombie who lied profusely to get elected, They have basically given HECO carte blanche to run the show to ensure its dominion over our energy as a monopoly power for another 100 years.

        It is interesting how quickly District 4 residents forgot about all the good Senator Solomon has been doing to bring about an end to the HECO monopoly on power to lower rates, including getting 5,000 signatures on a petition, and decided, with the backing and support of the monopoly, to replace her with a more monopoly friendly politician that HECO can control.

        The winner of the geothermal RFP will no doubt be spending a lot of time on community outreach to explain the difference between 20 year old "binary" technology used by PGV and modern Flash / Double Flash technology in use around the world today.

        Once those community meetings are held, you and others will have the opportunity to ask all the questions of the experts to allay any of your fears about the new technology. I will not and can not speak on their behalf on the technical details so I won’t even try. No matter what I say, you will find fault with it. I suggest you google search binary and flash / double flash geothermal technology to read up on the differences so you can ask the right questions when the time arises later this year or maybe early next year.

        I wonder how many Big Island residents have asthma and other health problems just from living on an island with an active volcano with the acid rain and rotten egg smell without even taking the PGV plant into account.

        In the meantime, I suggest you start following my Google+ Profile for continuing information about John Carroll's Breach Of Public Trust lawsuit against the HECO monopoly and the state of Hawaii at this link.

        Look at the petition, look at the 2 Senator Solomon videos, and look at the 30 second TV ad by retired Senator and surfing ambassador, Fred Hemmings.

        A Facebook page should be up next week, and we already started a website called: which stands for Hawaii Public Power Association.

        I’m a retired IT Specialist from TAMC and owner of one of the most energy and water efficient homes in the state.

      • Nothing to say now Ed? Again I challenge you to show us your so called "new" technology right here, tell us what it is.

        I call BS on your new tech and say you can not show us anything that would make the situation better if a wanna be company like IDG ever got a contract.

        Your turn ED, put up or you know the rest.

    • You sound like you're the racist! Isn't it interesting that when the first colonizers came here to make good and industrious citizens out of the heathens it was okay. Now that the Hawaiians are revolting they are "racists"! Get real!
      The missionaries came here to do good and they did damn well!

    • Whoever's against or disagrees w/Mililani should vote against her during the general election……..same goes for Lee's opponents.
      Losers fade away.

      • Did you or anyone, including Lee, read the 2 linked documents that support & collaborate what she said? Lee left that part out of his response and from his Facebook page. She puts the facts together before she writes an article. Lee did not do the same.

        You and the rest of the ratepayers of Hawaii are the losers for listening to the lies of HECO's puppets, Lee, Ruderman, Gabbard, and Abercrombie. None of them could tell the truth to the people if their life depended on it.

        Now that we are rid of that weak, wimpy, ball less, gutless wonder boy on the fifth floor ( abercrombie ), Hawaiian Electric will have a much harder time fleecing and financially raping the people, and Lee, Ruderman, Gabbard, ( the 3 stooges ) won't be able to bow their heads & genuflect on bended knee so easily in idolatrous worship of their false god, Wolf Electric Industries. Lee, Ruderman, Gabbard, & others are just as weak, wimpy, ball less & gutless as Abercrombie.

        I suggest you get on the bandwagon and start supporting the conversion of our crooked, incompetent utility monopoly to the public power that the ratepayers are demanding.

        Well over 4,100 petition signers are fed up with the status quo, just as the voters are fed up and kicked Abercrombie out, the first time an iincumbant has been removed since 1962. Let it be a lesson to our corrupt city and state and national government, that the days of buying elections is over. The young people today won't tolerate it anymore.

        Republicans tried to buy the White House with $400 million and failed. Abercrombie tried to buy Washington Place with $5 million and failed.

      • Question; is HECO & Hawaii Electric Light Company In co-op?
        HELC said in a news release that it will move its customer information center to Leilani Estates Community Center on Aug. 16. Pretty good PR move for the people. If there's a co-op, then remember it's president earns millions, meaning they have deep pockets, more than democrats here can pay.

        Read more:

      • No, it is not a coop. It is fighting to survive and continues to do all the wrong things because it still lives and operates in the 19th century..

        Its assets should be condemned by eminent domain for the public good. The ratepayers have paid for the grid with the shirts / dresses off their backs so let's take control and convert to public, non-profit power.

  4. I remember when Mililani and her then friends in the Pele Defense Fund and allies in the environmentalist movement, such as Sierra Club Defense Fund, accused Campbell Estate and True Geothermal of "raping Pele" because of their plans to develop geothermal in Wao Kele o Puna. But now, when she is obviously being paid big bucks by New Zealand geothermal interests to help them gain control of Hawaii's geothermal resources, she has completely changed her tune. It is now perfectly fine to rape Pele since the money will be going into her pockets, not Campbell Estate's. What a bunch of corrupt hypocrites.

    • Mililani never said that Pele was being raped get your facts straight. It was Palikapu Dedman. Mililani fought for the rights of native practitioners to be able to access the forests for worship in the Wao Kele o Puna case. Mililani is demonstrating growth with time and has evolved into a true leader by looking at all sides of the equation. She isn't stuck in the mud. That is why she makes e a great leader. She has experienced first hand how well geothermal has done for the native people of New Zealand. She is seen how cultural resources are being protected with the use of geothermal. That has always been her concern. The cultural resources. Whether or not, she can make a living in providing solid consultation with the Public is a good thing!

    • Most Hawaiians were against geothermal energy 20 years ago when the technology was so new & problematic, but now, most Hawaiians support geothermal energy. The technology has changed, and getting off of fossil fuel is a strong impetus for using ALL of Hawaii's vast renewable energy resources to lower electric rates.

      You obviously didn't read the article in which she makes clear that she isn't making the money you claim she is making. Where is your proof that she is swimming in money? She even said that if you know where that money is, please tell her so she can make a withdrawal.

      The Sierra Club in Hawaii opposes geothermal while the Siierra Club in CA. supports geothermal.

      You obviously don't know that there are 6 companies bidding on the geothermal RFP before the PUC.

      I suggest you get your facts straight and support John Carroll's breach of public trust lawsuit against HECO and the State.

    • Mililani's sister (Iwalani?) is the nutcase who wants Hawaii to return to the colonial times of only fires……no computer, cell phones, & out houses.

  5. Chris Lee is not a racist. I have known his family for many years and they are really nice folks. Please don't use the racist cards to rally up the local support.
    A Hawaiian who lives in Waimanlo Homestead
    Heidi Hanawahine-Hines

  6. The author laments that Mr. Lee's "only" accomplishment in the last session was the same-sex marriage bill, which Mr. Lee "championed and had passed." Passing gay marriage against strong opposition is a major legislative accomplishment, and the security it brings to those of us in same-sex marriages is significant. Obtaining long-overdue justice for so many people surely doesn't deserve the adjective "only." One would wonder why someone's position in support of the LGBT community would be relevant in an article about geothermal energy, but unfortunately that sort of things happens often.

  7. wonder if any state legislators are shareholders of HECO? There are over 25000 individual shareholders that own HECO stock. A big voting block.They don't want to see any dividend cuts. there will be resistance for the break -up of Hawaii Electric unless it is beneficial to them.

    • All HECO investors, including legislators would be much better off dumping the stock ASAP and investing their money in an ethical company like our own local Lee Financial Group, whose 100% federal AND 100% state tax free municipal bond fund has a tax equivalent yield of 4.5 to 5%. The company has an excellent financial rating and company representatives recently visited the NYSE, something that not just anyone is allowed to do because of security & terrorism issues. The company is conservative & manages a lot of money for local retirees. I trust them with my life.

      It is companies like Lee Financial that could be in a position to include in its portfolio, bonds used to buy out the HECO monopoly, with bond dividends that former HECO investors can use.

      On the other hand, condemnation of HECO assets by eminent domain for the good of the public is also an option. Bolder, CO is involved in that process right now with the conversion of its for-profit utility to public power.

      • Ed you are backing an investment loser like IDG while at the same time giving investment advice? Wow my reaction, ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha, right.

        How many million have the IDG investors like Eastland and OHA lost already. You are not my idea of someone I would use to make investment decisions. Geothermal is toast in Hawaii, it is not safe, has never been economically beneficial, and we do not need it.

      • I already commented, but my post has not been made public yet. Some sites do an admin review before making comments public. You may see it tomorrow.

        In the meantime, here is the post I made on Chris Lee's response this morning to you.

        Do you use a 20 year old computer or a modern up to date computer? Do you use a 20 year old rotary landline telephone or a modern wireless or cell phone? That is what you are talking about – 20 year old binary geothermal technology that no one uses any more.

        How many folks have asthma and other health problems as a result of living on an island with an active volcano producing its own rotten egg hydrogen sulfide smell and acid rain?

        Modern flash / double flash geothermal technology is now used all over the world. I suggest you do some research and get ready to ask questions when the winner of the geothermal RFP starts having community meetings next year to educate the people about of new, clean, safe technology that keeps advancing every 6 months like computer technology.

        In the meantime, I suggest you review this Hawaii Ratepayers Google+ page.

        I'm still waiting for my response, probably to the same Puna Resident, to be made public on Mililani's first commentary. She is over in Puna now, helping with the relief efforts, cleanup, delivering ice, etc. to help folks get back on their feet.

      • What makes you think IDG is going to win the project? It is only one of 6 bidders from around the world.

        If it isn't economical and safe, then why is it being used in 34 countries around the world? Are they all wrong?

        The mainland USA is already the biggest user of geothermal energy.

        Iceland has used geothermal energy for over 50 years. You should go visit one of their power plants like I did last year as part of my vacation. Maybe one if its companies is a bidder and will win the contact. What will your reaction be then?

        How do you propose to provide baseload 24/7 electricity when the sun isn't shining or the wind blowing? Are batteries going to run an airport, hospital, military base, Etc.?

        Don't knock lee Financial until you know something about this highly ethical, trustworthy, conservative company that manages money for many Hawaii retires. They still have that personal touch of going to an investor's home to discuss their investments, especially for senior citizens who may not be driving anymore or who otherwise can't meet at their office.


        I suspect that no matter what information I provide, and there is a lot out there, you would not listen to the facts because your mind is already made up as a result of your experience with 20 year old technology and the continuing stonewalling and lies being told by Chris Lee and Russell Ruderman and others to maintain the hysteria among folks like yourself.

        You would rather listen to politicians who support the HECO monopoly which, in reality, does not want geothermal energy because it can't compete and continue making its exorbitant profits, excessive executive compensation, and exorbitant dividend that is twice the average of mainland utilities. It would rather burn bio-fuel in its ancient plants to continue polluting the environment that to embrace clean renewable energy and take a loss in profits.

        Geothermal energy is base load energy which means it generates electricity 24/7. OTEC should be able to do the same. Solar power, although clean, is intermittent energy, and running a University campus, an airport, a military base, a hospital, Etc. on solar power with battery backup, to me is a pipe dream, far from reality. Maybe a Zero Point Module ( ZPM ) from the TV show, Stargate Atlantis will be used someday or a small matter-antimatter reactor like used to power the Starship Enterprise.

        The microgrid being developed by Parker Ranch’s new Paniolo Power company, formed to compete with HELCO to lower rates, is a start in the right direction.

        The utility company is fighting for survival now and will do whatever it takes to do so including lie and deceive, with and without the help of its political puppets. That is why the entire process has dragged on and on to help HECO / HELCO / MECO figure out a way to survive.

        Nothing of any substance has been passed and signed into law to really move Hawaii forward to a clean renewable energy future, by our inept so-called “leaders” in the Legislature, the past 4 years or by our equally inept Governor Abercrombie who lied profusely to get elected. They have basically given HECO carte blanche to run the show to ensure its dominion over our energy as a monopoly power for another 100 years.

        It is interesting how quickly District 4 residents forgot about all the good Senator Solomon has been doing to bring about an end to the HECO monopoly on power to lower rates, including getting 5,000 signatures on a petition, and decided, with the backing and support of the monopoly, to replace her with a more monopoly friendly politician that HECO can control.

        The winner of the geothermal RFP will no doubt be spending a lot of time on community outreach to explain the difference between 20 year old "binary" technology used by PGV and modern Flash / Double Flash technology in use around the world today.

        Once those community meetings are held, you and others will have the opportunity to ask all the questions of the experts to allay any of your fears about the new technology. I will not and can not speak on their behalf on the technical details so I won’t even try. No matter what I say, you will find fault with it. I suggest you google search binary and flash / double flash geothermal technology to read up on the differences so you can ask the right questions when the time arises later this year or maybe early next year. Technology keeps advancing every 6 months. If you buy a PC now, it will be obsolete by January.

        I wonder how many Big Island residents have asthma and other health problems just from living on an island with an active volcano with the acid rain and rotten egg smell without even taking the PGV plant into account.

        In the meantime, I suggest you start following my Google+ Profile for continuing information about John Carroll's Breach Of Public Trust lawsuit against the HECO monopoly and the state of Hawaii at this link.

        Look at the petition, look at the 2 Senator Solomon videos, and look at the 30 second TV ad by retired Senator and surfing ambassador, Fred Hemmings.

        A Facebook page should be up next week, and we already started a website called: which stands for Hawaii Public Power Association.

        I’m a retired IT Specialist from TAMC and owner of one of the most energy and water efficient homes in the state.

      • Part 1 of 2

        I suspect that no matter what information I provide, and there is a lot out there, you would not listen to the facts because your mind is already made up as a result of your experience with 20 year old technology and the continuing stonewalling and lies being told by Chris Lee and Russell Ruderman and others to maintain the hysteria among folks like yourself.

        You would rather listen to politicians who support the HECO monopoly which, in reality, does not want geothermal energy because it can't compete and continue making its exorbitant profits, excessive executive compensation, and exorbitant dividend that is twice the average of mainland utilities. It would rather burn bio-fuel in its ancient plants to continue polluting the environment that to embrace clean renewable energy and take a loss in profits.

        Geothermal energy is base load energy which means it generates electricity 24/7. OTEC should be able to do the same. Solar power, although clean, is intermittent energy, and running a University campus, an airport, a military base, a hospital, Etc. on solar power with battery backup, to me is a pipe dream, far from reality. Maybe a Zero Point Module ( ZPM ) from the TV show, Stargate Atlantis will be used someday or a small matter-antimatter reactor like used to power the Starship Enterprise.

        The microgrid being developed by Parker Ranch’s new Paniolo Power company, formed to compete with HELCO to lower rates, is a start in the right direction.

        The utility company is fighting for survival now and will do whatever it takes to do so including lie and deceive, with and without the help of its political puppets. That is why the entire process has dragged on and on to help HECO / HELCO / MECO figure out a way to survive.

        Nothing of any substance has been passed and signed into law to really move Hawaii forward to a clean renewable energy future, by our inept so-called “leaders” in the Legislature, the past 4 years or by our equally inept Governor Abercrombie who lied profusely to get elected. They have basically given HECO carte blanche to run the show to ensure its dominion over our energy as a monopoly power for another 100 years.

        It is interesting how quickly District 4 residents forgot about all the good Senator Solomon has been doing to bring about an end to the HECO monopoly on power to lower rates, including getting 5,000 signatures on a petition, and decided, with the backing and support of the monopoly, to replace her with a more monopoly friendly politician that HECO can control.

      • Part 2 of 2

        The winner of the geothermal RFP will no doubt be spending a lot of time on community outreach to explain the difference between 20 year old "binary" technology used by PGV and modern Flash / Double Flash technology in use around the world today.

        Once those community meetings are held, you and others will have the opportunity to ask all the questions of the experts to allay any of your fears about the new technology. I will not and can not speak on their behalf on the technical details so I won’t even try. No matter what I say, you will find fault with it. I suggest you google search binary and flash / double flash geothermal technology to read up on the differences so you can ask the right questions when the time arises later this year or maybe early next year. Technology keeps advancing every 6 months. If you buy a PC now, it will be obsolete by January.

        I wonder how many Big Island residents have asthma and other health problems just from living on an island with an active volcano with the acid rain and rotten egg smell without even taking the PGV plant into account.

        In the meantime, I suggest you start following my Google+ Profile for continuing information about John Carroll's Breach Of Public Trust lawsuit against the HECO monopoly and the state of Hawaii at this link.

        Look at the petition, look at the 2 Senator Solomon videos, and look at the 30 second TV ad by retired Senator and surfing ambassador, Fred Hemmings.

        A Facebook page should be up next week, and we already started a website called: which stands for Hawaii Public Power Association.

        I’m a retired IT Specialist from TAMC and owner of one of the most energy and water efficient homes in the state.

      • Part 2 of 2

        The winner of the geothermal RFP will no doubt be spending a lot of time on community outreach to explain the difference between 20 year old "binary" technology used by PGV and modern Flash / Double Flash technology in use around the world today.

        Once those community meetings are held, you and others will have the opportunity to ask all the questions of the experts to allay any of your fears about the new technology. I will not and can not speak on their behalf on the technical details so I won’t even try. No matter what I say, you will find fault with it. I suggest you google search binary and flash / double flash geothermal technology to read up on the differences so you can ask the right questions when the time arises later this year or maybe early next year. Technology keeps advancing every 6 months. If you buy a PC now, it will be obsolete by January.

        I wonder how many Big Island residents have asthma and other health problems just from living on an island with an active volcano with the acid rain and rotten egg smell without even taking the PGV plant into account.

        In the meantime, I suggest you start following my Google+ Profile for continuing information about John Carroll's Breach Of Public Trust lawsuit against the HECO monopoly and the state of Hawaii at this link.

      • Ed you really like to hear yourself talk eh? You are backing an investment loser like IDG while at the same time giving investment advice? Wow – my reaction, ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha, right. You have no idea what your talking about.

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