The 'Fairness Doctrine' Power Grab

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When the Soviet Union was at its pinnacle, one might think that the greatest fear among its leaders was the nuclear capabilities of the United States. But this was not the case. While the Soviets recognized the formidable war-making abilities of the Americans as an obstacle to be overcome, they feared, and thus diligently hunted and eliminated the presence of something much more threatening to their existence… the printing press.

For the biggest danger to their continued facade of power and success lay in the possibility that some little person, needing neither the horrific power of an atom bomb nor the massive resources to develop and deliver it, could nonetheless shine the light of truth on them and thereby prove to be their undoing.


Empires of oppression and intimidation, built upon real threats and empty promises, simply cannot endure the scrutiny of an informed public.

Thus, the only means by which they can hope to preserve their hold on power is to maintain a monopoly of information. And while their effort at maintaining this monopoly is formidable and imposing, that very fact indicates its ultimate fragility. Hence, the paranoia of the Soviets, lest the people became informed by any source other than the state


