This Election Season, Why Aren’t Politicians Still Promoting the Akaka Bill?

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With all political campaigns now in full swing, I wonder what happened to
the nearly unanimous support for the failed Akaka Bill?

There is no
mention in any campaign literature being mailed or on radio/tv ads,
except for OHA candidates about what our politicians are planning to do
once elected/re-elected with respect both to the Akaka Bill and for “plan
B” by OHA.

Plan “B” to create a race based sovereign government without
the need for the Akaka Bill or even permission from the legislature which
is required even to properly cross the street in a crosswalk and would
create an entire government unlike any that ever existed before.

happened to the support of 75 of the 76 legislators, support from 85 percent of
the native Hawaiians and non-Hawaiians (per an OHA survey) and the Akaka
Bill being “the most important piece of federal legislation in Hawaii
this year” per our Congressional delegation? Even Senator Akaka, the
creator and namesake of the legislation has not mentioned his own bill
and what it would do in Hawaii in his political ads.

If creation of a
separate government is so locally popular why isn’t it the first item our
politicians mention in their campaign ads?

Could it be that they know it
is unpopular among voters and they were supporting it when they thought
they could woo the Hawaiian votes they needed but do not actively support
it now that it has been determined to be “racist” by the United States
Civil Rights Commission and would be vetoed by President Bush?

appears to be a belief of safety in numbers when they vote en masse at
the legislature to support the bill without constituent input but when it
comes down to a personal conviction based on whether or not they are
re-elected on the issue they decide maybe to hide, are they shamed? I
would like to see our prospective legislators inform their prospective
constituents of their support for the creation of a distinct race based
government proposed by the Akaka Bill and the new “plan B” created by OHA
and what they will do once re-elected.

Since no referendum on the bill or
the issue is being allowed, the voters at least should be allowed to know
how their politicians stand before they enter the voting booth.

”’Garry P. Smith, a resident of Ewa Beach, can be reached via email at”’

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