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The University of Hawaii Board of Regents has hired former journalist Lynne Waters as a $141,000-per-year spokeswoman.
Waters had been working as spokeswoman for City Prosecutor Keith Kaneshiro and now takes the title of “associate vice president for external affairs and university relations.”
Waters is the wife of state Sen. Clayton Hee, Judiciary and Labor Committee chairman.
Waters’ salary is officially set at $150,000 but is subject to a temporary six per cent restriction because of university budget cutbacks.
Waters will be the university’s “media spokesperson, enhancing communications with internal and external stakeholders, and collaborating with the UH Foundation and other university constituencies on messaging and communications,” said UH public information officer Kristen Bonilla.
“The University of Hawai‘i is one of, if not the, most important public institutions in our state and critical to the economic future of the islands,” Waters said in a written statment.
“It is an honor and a privilege to accept this appointment, and I look forward to serving the students, faculty and staff in any way possible. I’d like to thank President M.R.C. Greenwood and her leadership team for their belief in me and for this wonderful opportunity.”