Response to Atomic Monkey Posting on Hawaii Reporter

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Linda Lingle announces candidacy for U.S. Senate (Photo by Dave Livingston)
BY CORRIE HECK – Hawaii Reporter has diminished its journalistic status by posting a disgusting cartoon and fictional story of Governor Lingle at the recent Hawaii Republican Party State Convention.
There is no room for this inappropriate commentary in Hawaii politics, and we call on Hawaii Reporter to remove the offensive and out-of-line post immediately.

John Carroll and his political operative, Keith Rollman – who runs the despicable Atomic Monkey website – should be ashamed of themselves for aligning with and promoting such disrespectful and offensive commentary at a time when the election of our national leaders could not be more important.

The fictional piece does not represent Hawaii values.  Shame on them.” – Deputy Communications Director, Corrie Heck


Corrie Heck is the Deputy Communications Director for Linda Lingle Senate Committee


Editor’s note: Hawaii Reporter has published virtually every letter and commentary received over the last 10 years in order to ensure people with all viewpoints are allowed to comment on Hawaii politics, business, government, education and union activity. In terms of the comedy section, those submissions are clearly identified as such.






  1. Ms Heck – Let’s not get carried away, satire is pretty much always “fictional” no matter how much it flirts with the truth. What exactly do you mean by “there is no room for this inappropriate commentary in Hawaii politics?” That sounds dangerously close to expressing a desire to suppress my constitutional rights of free speech. Besides we want your candidate to lose, so we think our comments are extremely appropriate.

    We should consider reassigning some of the other barbs you’re flinging around…”disgusting” could also be applied to someone taking over a state party apparatus and turning into their personal campaign organization. Many viewed those who “run such despicable” conventions, and block non-anointed candidates from speaking, as “disrespectful and offensive” to a long time kama‘aina, 5-term state legislator and past Chairman of the Republican Party, like John Carroll. An online political satire blog isn’t supposed to “represent Hawaii values,” but the Republican Party of Hawaii should. “Shame” on you, little Lingle Bot, “Shame” on you.

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