“Vibrant People, Thriving Lands”
: 92nd Annual Kamehameha Schools Song Contest

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If you have a minute and want to see one impact that Kamehameha Schools is having on conservation for the next generation, we encourage you to check out this video of  the 92nd Annual Kamehameha Schools Song Contest.

More than likely you’ll recognize several of the land areas highlighted in this year’s contest – like Ka’ūpūlehu and Keauhou, Ka’ū –  because they are part of watershed partnerships.


The theme: Ho’ola Lāhui, Ho’oulu Pae ‘Āina which means Vibrant People, Thriving Lands and echoes Kamehameha Schools’ strong biocultural values rooted in Hawai’i’s traditions.

Mahalo to Kamehameha Schools, and all of our fellow conservation collaborators, who take part in efforts to ensure Hawai’i’s lands are thriving to support a vibrant Hawaiian community.

Submitted by the Hawai‘i Conservation Alliance


