What has Tom Berg done for you lately?

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Rep. Kymberly Pine

BY REP. KYMBERLY PINE – I entered this race for Honolulu City Council because I want the good people of the Leeward Coast to get the effective representation they deserve at the City Council.

This means offering real, innovative solutions to high unemployment, traffic congestion, homelessness, neglected beaches and parks and the many other serious issues our Leeward communities face. These issues are too important to be ignored.


That’s why I am so disappointed that my opponent, Tom Berg, is focusing his energy on distracting voters from the real issues with false negative attacks about my record.

He is denying Leeward residents the opportunity to fairly assess our differences and the contrasting approaches we each would bring to the City Council.

Berg made the completely false claim that I haven’t accomplished anything as State Representative. Click here to see the 119 legislative measures I introduced that became law.

Berg made the completely false claim that I do not show up to vote. Click here to see my perfect attendance this session in the House of Representatives.

It’s clear that his attempt to mislead voters about my record is part of his desperate strategy to distract from his own:

Tom Berg cannot be trusted to tell the truth as a candidate or as your City Councilman. The people of the Leeward Coast deserve better.





  1. I am an anti-rail supporter. Tom Berg opposes rail and other like issues. I guess a better question is, "Do you support rail and why?

  2. "This means offering real, innovative solutions to high unemployment, traffic congestion, homelessness, neglected beaches and parks and the many other serious issues our Leeward communities face. These issues are too important to be ignored."

    Then Kym, don't ignore them. Tell us how you are going address these. All of this sounds really good but I'm looking for substance, a plan. Got one? I'm not talking about another empty slogan.

  3. that berg opposes rail is enough for me.

    rail will RUIN the already teetering finances of the island. it is preposterous to even consider the massive expense when we already have the highest costs for everything else…water, electricity, gasoline, land, construction, car registrations…rail will be just the latest in the very long string of expenses that drives people to the other states, even california is looking good by comparison…and they are broke too.

    unfortunately even cayetano is suggesting a gigantic spending spree…sort of like half a beating is better than a full one.

    hawaii needs to get it's house in order before they take on MORE expenses…and rail will be the typical public works kablammo…with three times cost overruns and no one gets fired when that happens…the folks just take it in the teeth ONE MORE TIME. shame on the dummy that even allowed this boondoggle to gain an agenda item.

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