A Conservative Perspective – March 20, 2003-Say Thanks to Hawaii’s Military, You Have to Laugh, No Way-No War-No Bush-No More; Dobelle to the Rescue; UH on Hate Crimes; Allies Wanted; Selected Liberal Inclusion; Sending Aloha to Hawaii’s Law Enforcement; Head of Gay & Lesbian Task Force Quits; No Furniture In Governor’s Office

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”Please Say Thank You”

We’re asking all of our friends and neighbors in Hawaii to visit the
Department of Defense Web page by clicking the link below and sign in
thanking the men and women of the U.S. military services for defending our freedom and those of others around the world. So far, there are only about 6.4 million names from a national population of over 250 million. Let’s increase that!


”You Have to Laugh”

“Instead of war, why can’t Tony Blair get in touch with “M” and send James Bond in to Iraq? I mean, give me a break. Why are we spending 100 billion dollars when we have a special agent to go in and take charge? I’m sure Mr. Bond or someone similar could be hired for a lot less $$$. We should be talking to Pierce Brosnan on our next strategic move.” By an anonymous poster on the gayhawaii.com web site bulletin board.

”No Way-No War-No Bush-No More”

On Saturday when reportedly 300 “peace” activists scattered themselves across various parts of Honolulu, I saw this on a bumper sticker. I think it sums up the true sentiments of those activists. The “No War” argument is being used as partisan catalyst for drumming up sentiments against the president, and I think it is failing miserably. The faces I saw were the usual lefty-snobs, including its familiar gay victimist contingent. My associates and I have felt these people are a waste of time, but given the narrow-focus of journalism and reporting in Hawaii’s mainstream media, we are forced to emerge to differentiate ourselves. Brace yourselves now: when you see one of those gay liberation rainbow flags, always bear in mind that some colors on those flags are more equal than others in Hawaii.

One man I saw had a flag with an image of the world on it while others with signs saying “Illegitimate War” stood nearby. Something stuck me. These people sincerely are proponents of a global government with the U.N. in charge and America as the bad guy on the world scene. The U.N. is ”’not”’ a world government. Since the fall of the Soviet Union, the attacks on 9/11, the world has changed. These people are living in a time loop, and rather than face those changes and the others to come, they have retreated into isolationism. The Cold War is over and now a new war on this country and its
freedom-based values have emerged. The trade winds will not blow their left-inspired troubles away. It’s a new era. Perhaps a post-U.N. era.

”Evan Dobelle to the Rescue: U.H. Manoa Gets (PC) Tough on Hate Crimes”

How many of you saw the scare-piece by ”’Honolulu Advertiser”’ Education Reporter Beverly Creamer entitled ”’U.H. gets tough on hate crimes”’? Many of you have been opining me about this, and I agree with you: this whole thing seems incredibly contrived. There is a difference between investigative reporting and taking dictation, too. This is the same university that just last year began to offer domestic partnership benefits to its same-sex faculty, and there were no beatings, riots by Christian conservatives, or hate crimes perpetuated by red necks with an ax to grind. I’ve heard from
current students and graduates of U.H. who say that for years it was and still is one of the most gay-friendly places around.

A married female friend writes: “We all used to go out dancing together at Hula’s and The Wave and some other place called The Stuffed Tomato, and partied together all the time. No one even ”’considered”’ the idea of discrimination against gay people on campus as far as I recall. And a lot of people (especially some of the people in the dance department) were very ‘flagrant’ if that’s what you’d call it. I mean it wasn’t as if they were going around hiding who they were.”

The piece clearly shows that U.H. President Evan Dobelle is now the new patron saint of Hawaii’s gay-left establishment snobbocracy. We’re not impressed. “This is one of the last frontiers of civil rights and civil liberties,” Dobelle is quoted as saying. “If it crosses into any kind of a felony under Hawaii state law. I would have no hesitation to expel a student for what would be considered a hate crime.” ”’If?”’ Aren’t you sure? It will be curious to see if he will support amending those laws to the point where free speech may end up being squelched speech. I wonder, too, if due process will be compromised for the sake of liberal political expediency. It’s happening elsewhere across the country on many college campuses while open hate for conservatives is fanned and encouraged. We’ve been the recipient of some of the twisted wrath of those Dobelle wants to protect.

One of the nuttiest things I noticed was the formation of “a network of safe zones on campus.” What is the crisis that caused this, and why now? The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender (LGBT) Student Services Office is now headed by Cameron Miyamoto, a nice and well-intentioned young man who was previously the head of the Gay Liberation Project of the American Friends (Quaker) Service in Hawaii. He is reportedly training people as “allies.”

All this to address homophobia and “transphobia,” of which one of my Log Cabin Republican associates said, “Oh Lord, they are in clutches of PCism. Transphobia indeed.”

These are the same people who did nothing to commemorate the 20th
anniversary of the AIDS epidemic two years ago, and when we took it upon ourselves to do so we were smeared in McCarthyite fashion by these frauds in Hawaii’s Gay Politburo. Self-promotion by these aristocrats at gay pride parades was more important then. I doubt if much has changed since.

”Allies Wanted”

One of the answers to this supposedly potential rash of hate crimes is to recruit and train “Allies” who will hang posters “to indicate a willingness to lend support to people who may need it,” and for those of you with busy lives on the go you can also paste on a logo on a purse, backpack, whatever.

When we read this it reminded many of the ill-fated “Thumbs Up Hawaii” campaign to boost business that seemed to sputter into nothingness, jokes and irrelevancy almost as fast as it was conceived. Does putting up a poster make you morally superior on the subject of gay rights and inclusion? Stunning. “What that logo means is this is a good place if you’re needing someone to talk to,” Miyamoto is quoted in the piece. Starbucks is a nice place to talk to people, too. “The strongest thing is to be building a more
positive, visible message on campus. What we’re wanting to do is spread support for a population that is often rendered invisible.” And those that are visible and successful without the blessing plantationist gay-lefties are more often than not targeted for jealous smears. What hypocrites.

Small businesses, individuals and families in Hawaii are the target of on-going initiatives by liberal and socialistic legislative members bent on micromanaging their hopes, dreams, aspirations. Perhaps we should put up posters so that those feeling threatened will have someone to talk to?

But what the real problem here is that this whole initiative promotes the stereotype of victimization and co-dependency of gays and lesbians as weak. It also promotes the notion that the “leaders” of Hawaii’s gay community are individuals who have positioned themselves to be taken care of with what are essentially make-work jobs to insulate themselves from the very self-righteous policies they impose on others. There are many gays across this nation and in this state who are entrepreneurs and leaders in philanthropy, the arts, science, business and other sectors. A politically correct elite that is perpetually anti-Republican, Bush-bashing and anti-business relegates them to the back of the bus. They hate two-party political systems, and free enterprise is not high on their agenda. And they wonder why so many of us are quietly walking in droves from their plantation. And they wonder why the U.H. School of Business is not taken seriously either.

”Selective Liberal Inclusion”

Kuumealoha Gomes is the chairwoman of the President’s Commission on
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex issues. (No, Log Cabin Republicans of Hawaii was not invited to be a part of this … it is called “selective” inclusion, right?) She adds to the contrived nature of this “crisis” by calling for buildings, not the whole campus, to be a “safe zone.” It is not mentioned in the piece, but Gomes is the editor of Da Kine Magazine, the leading monthly magazine known for its liberal-left slant, which is never announced, and one not friendly at all to gay conservative pro-business Republicans.

So much for fair and balanced reporting. Gomes and others at the Gay and Lesbian Community Center would never report them, but some of the greatest problems are gay-on-gay bashing, the drug epidemic, promiscuity, gay-on-gay assaults, and most importantly HIV and AIDS. Gays have a terrible image problem. The censorship espoused by Gomes and her friends on the left-establishment makes open discussion severely hampered. And that keeps them in charge. The level of self-hate in Hawaii’s gay community is astounding, and the suppression-politics from some of its anti-aloha thought-police aficionados among the coldest around. And the response by the establishment is to stick their heads in the sands and hope the tradewinds will drive it all away. And as for balanced viewpoints, the Henry Ford “you can have your car any color you want as long as it is black” mentality reigns supreme.

Gomes calls only for “the mandatory expulsion of students who cause physical harm to another because of gender identity or sexual orientation.” If it were us we’d be calling for equal protection and due process for all, even for those who may not welcome gays. Let’s do it now. That’s the true nature of inclusion.

”Send Your Aloha to Honolulu Law Enforcement Officers”

We were particularly annoyed when it was portrayed in this piece that going to the police is “very scary,” a “hard option.” No, it is not. It’s a necessary option, and one that anyone who is injured or attacked should do without hesitation. I know and have met Honolulu law enforcement officers, and they are truly among the best in this country. We’re proud of them. The level of professionalism, service and compassion these men and women offer daily is worthy of better than fear tactics. And as recent history has shown, some have lost their lives in the line of duty. Reading such twisted sentiments must embarrass and perplex gay or straight cops alike. You are not alone.

”Lorri Jean of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Quits”

This month Lorri Jean, who was recently in Hawaii, resigned as executive director of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force. The Washington Blade reported that she quit “because her original commitment to the board, which recruited her for the position, was to stay as long as it took to stabilize the group’s finances and programs.” It also reported that she resigned less than a month after a “restructuring” plan was implemented. That plan entailed three staff layoffs of positions “not essential to the group’s new
emphasis on building a well-oiled field operation to help train activists in cities and states.” It was further reported that concerns were expressed that those layoffs were “intended to help Jean balance the budget and put the group in the best possible financial light at the time of her departure.” Could you imagine the outcry if these were pro-business gay or straight Republicans?

”No Furniture in the Governor’s Residence”

Would someone care to opine as to why Hawaii’s feminists are so silent about the lack of furniture in the new governor’s mansion? Rep. Mark Moses, R-Kapolei, was right to suggest that Gov. Lingle’s Republican party affiliation is key to the Democratic-controlled Legislature withholding funds to pay for furniture. It really is embarrassing that the Legislature has become this petty. Many never got out of high school it seems.

But with all the talk over the years of a lack of pay-parity and equality between professional men and professional women, I would think that Hawaii’s feminists would be up in arms. Lingle is the first woman to govern Hawaii since Queen Lilioukalani, and no man in the territorial or statehood eras had ever been so maltreated. It’s shameful and it ought to stop now.

One friend opined with his thoughts. “I originally thought that the
root-problem was that the Hawaii Democratic legislative majority lacks decorator sense and interior design taste. It is clear that Hawaii’s furniture retailers are not government-run socialist and labor union-controlled entities. I now have reason to believe that the problem may run deeper than this.” Another thought it all might be retribution against those that may have supported Lingle in her election bid. The ”’Honolulu Star Bulletin”’ was right to call for our legislators to grow up.

Another opined: “Why not invite the producers of the Discovery Channel reality show ‘Trading Places’ be flown here to tape a show. This will surely do wonders to highlight Hawaii’s architectural heritage and showcase the Aloha State as a desirable vacation destination, particularly to America’s decorator and interior design community. What it will say about the unequal treatment of women political leaders is another story.”

“I think,” he continued, “that Republicans with interior design and
decorator backgrounds should be allowed to decorate and furnish the offices of those Democrats in the Legislature that voted against furnishing the governor’s residence. Republican volunteer teams will be organized with a two-day span to plan, execute and finish the office assigned to them, each working with a Hawaii-based interior decorator. Democrats, on camera, will be brought to their newly redecorated office at the State Capitol with eyes closed until they are signaled to open them. They will be forced to live with the results for the remainder of their terms in office.”

The Log Cabin Republicans have received confidential reports of rumors in the gay community that leftist gay activists and appeasers of the Hawaii Democratic Party have threatened to dangle their Democratic representatives from the railings surrounding the Capitol rotunda in Honolulu should they vote to furnish the new governor’s mansion while Lingle is in office. Michael Jackson-famed journalist Martin Bashir and a camera crew are
reportedly en route.

And so it goes. God bless America!

”’Jeffrey Bingham Mead is the head of the Log Cabin Republicans of Hawaii and can be reached via email at:”’ mailto:jmead@aloha.net


