Happening in Hawaii – Jan. 26 to Feb. 20, 2004

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”Jan. 26, 2004”
”The Governor’s State of the State Address at 10 a.m.”

The state of the state address, where the governor will layout her plans and platform for 2004, is scheduled for Monday, Jan. 26 at 10 a.m. at the Hawaii State Capitol.


”*Jan. 29, 2004”
”Councilmember Charles Djou to Speak at SBH Sunrise Breakfast”

“What’s Going on in Your City & County?” is the subject of this year’s first monthly Small Business Hawaii Sunrise Networking Breakfast, featuring Charles Djou, Honolulu council member from the 4th District (Waikiki-Hawaii Kai), on Thursday, Jan. 29, 2004 at Macy’s Pineapple Room in Ala Moana Shopping Cneter from 7 to 8:30 a.m.

The public is welcome. Advanced paid reservations required. Parking is free. The cost is $20 for SBH members and their guests (in advance) and $30 for non-members or at the door, if space is available. For more information or to make reservations, call SBH at 396-1724. Or see the Web site at https://www.smallbusinesshawaii.com

”*Jan. 30 and 31, 2004”
”U.S. Rep. Ed Case Begins New Year with more Talk Story Town Meetings”

Congressman Ed Case (Hawaii, Second District) will return to Hawaii Island and Maui to host nine more Talk Story town meetings starting Jan. 16 to give citizens of his district a wrap-up of legislative action in Congress during the past year and a look ahead to the issues lawmakers will be facing in the 2004 session starting January 20th.

“My 42 Talk Story meetings in 2003 reached residents of the Second Congressional District on every island and provided great feedback that has helped shape my legislative agenda and encouraged everyone to take advantage of my office’s open-door policy,” said Case. “The feedback I’ve received was also evident in the volume of communications and meetings my Honolulu and Washington offices handled during the past year. This involved responding to more than 30,000 e-mails and letters from Hawaii, which is more than three times the volume Congressional offices send out over an average year. In addition, my offices welcomed more than 2,500 people for meetings and visits.

“I’m looking forward to starting the New Year with another round of Talk Story town meetings on Hawaii Island and Maui, after completing my first full year in the U.S. House. I’ll listen to the concerns of residents and discuss what’s going on in Congress. With the 2004 session set to begin on January 20th, it’s time to check back in with my communities again.”

Here is Case’s schedule of his next series of Talk Story meetings:


*East Maui, Hana — Friday, January 30th, 6-7:30 p.m., Hana High & Elementary School Cafeteria, 4111 Hana Highway

*West Maui, Lahaina — Saturday, January 31st, 8-9:30 a.m., Lahainaluna High School Library. 980 Lahainaluna Road

*South Maui, Kihei — Saturday, January 31st, 10:30 a.m.-12 p.m., Kihei Elementary School Cafeteria. 250 Lipoa Street

*Upcountry, Pukalani — Saturday, January 31st, 1-2:30 p.m., King Kekaulike High School Cafeteria, 121 Kula Highway

*Central Maui, Wailuku — Saturday, January 31st, 3:30-5:00 p.m., Wailuku Elementary School Cafeteria, 355 South High Street

”*Feb. 1, 2004”
”Sharon’s Ride/Walk for Epilepsy”

The Epilepsy Foundation of Hawaii is hosting its second annual Sharon’s Ride/Walk for Epilepsy on Sunday, Feb. 1, 2003. The event will be held at Kapiolani Community College on Diamond Head Road and includes: a 25-mile bike ride that begins at 7 a.m. and goes out to Kalama Valley and back; and a 1-mile walk that begins at 8 a.m. and goes around Triangle Park. Food, prizes and fun for the kids will begin around 9 a.m. Registration begins at 6 a.m.

Registration is $25 for the ride; $20 for the walk; or $40 for families with up to 5 members. Cost will increase the day of the event.

To register, call 528-3058 and request a brochure; or log on to https://www.sharonforepilepsy.com and print out a form; or register online at https://www.active.com The form also is available in the latest issue of
AthletesHI. Late registrations will be available the morning of the ride.

”*Feb. 4, 2004”
”Lincoln Day Dinner on Oahu”

The 7th Annual Lincoln Day Dinner is scheduled to be helad at the Sheraton Waikiki Hotel, Hawaii Ballroom. There will be a silent auction and cocktails at 5:30 p.m. and dinner will be served at 7 p.m. Individual tickets are $100. For more information, contact Wendy Miyashiro at the GOP headquarters at 593-8180.

”*Feb. 12, 2004”
”Lincoln Day Dinner on Kauai”

The Kauai Lincoln Day Dinner is scheduled to be held at the Kauai Marriott Resort & Beach Club. Join Gov. Lingle and Mayor Baptiste for a great evening of fun, music & conversation. Cocktails begin at 5:30 p.m. and Dinner will be served at 6:30 p.m. Individual tickets are $75 or $750 for a table of 10. For more information, call 651-5764 or 245-4550 or email at mailto:gopkauai@msn.com

”*Feb. 20, 2004”
”Applicants Sought for Ethics Commission”

The Judicial Council is accepting applications to fill an anticipated vacancy on the Hawaii State Ethics Commission. The vacancy will occur upon the expiration of the term of current member Eloise Lee on June 30, 2004.

Applicants must be United States citizens, residents of the state of Hawaii, and may not hold any other public office. The Ethics Commission regulates the ethics of all legislators, registered lobbyists, and state employees (with
the exception of judges, who are governed by the Commission on Judicial Conduct).

The Ethics Commission is responsible for investigating complaints, providing advisory opinions, and enforcing decisions issued by the Commission. The Hawaii State Constitution prohibits members of the Ethics Commission “from
taking an active part in political management or political campaigns.”

Interested persons should submit an application along with a resume and three letters of recommendation (attesting to the applicant’s character and integrity) no later than close of business on Feb. 20, 2004 to: Judicial Council, Hawaii Supreme Court, 417 S. King Street, Second Floor, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813-2902.

Form applications are available from the Judiciary Web site at https://www.courts.state.hi.us Applications may also be obtained from the Public Affairs Office, Room 206-C, Aliiolani Hale, 417 South King Street, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 or by calling the Judicial Council at 539-4702.

”Honolulu City Council Looking for Participants for Survey about City Services”

The Honolulu City Council has launched a program called PLAN: Priorities Long-Term And Now. Councilmembers would like the communities input as they assess which city services are the most vital to taxpayers. This is not a scientific survey. It is one of the many tools the Council will use to set priorities for the next budget year and for the years to come.

To get the survey online, go to https:///www.co.honolulu.hi.us/council/ and click on the City Council Survey link from there.

For more information, call Kim Ribellia, senior advisor to Council Chair Donovan M. Dela Cruz, at 547-7002 or Mary Schmidtke, senior advisor to Council Member Barbara Marshall, at 547-7003.

”*Fitness and Energy Training”

The new Dahn Hak Brain Respiration Center in Kailua is offering a free trial class. Call 942-0003 for information. Dahn Hak is a Korean style QiGong that emphasizes physical, energy and spiritual healing and practices.

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