Oshiro: Not Leaving the House for City Administration

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Rep. Marcus Oshiro
Rep. Marcus Oshiro

BY REP. MARCUS OSHIRO – Recent news reports on the Hawaii House leadership organization have indicated that I am thinking about leaving the House for a position at the City.  This is not true.

I want to make it clear that while I fully support Mayor-Elect Kirk Caldwell, I won my own election as the State Representative for District 46 – Wahiawa, Whitmore Village, Launani Valley, and my intention at this time is to stay in the House.


It concerns me that Speaker Emeritus Souki has made an agreement with the Minority Leader to offer leadership positions to members of the Minority in exchange for votes to support his quest to be Speaker.

As a life-long Democrat, I am troubled that this was not discussed with the members of his own Majority Caucus, nor have the ramifications for this maneuver been fully vetted.

If this plan goes through, House Republicans will be able to run in the next election on the accomplishments of the Democrat Majority, and most important, the potential for gridlock at the committee level is heightened.  This is not in the spirit of true bi-partisanship; rather, it is a desperate power grab to win the Speakership without consideration for the health and welfare of the body.

Finally, the public should realize that the House organization is not official until the 51 members vote on an organization resolution at the start of the legislative session.   There is still time to consider who is best to lead the House, and I hope Majority and Minority members will think clearly on their options.





  1. Caldwell shoul be concerned about higher priorities as he has forgotten; Sewage MANDATE the city has to meet FIRST. Details from the city's sewage treatment settlement:
    » Implement an agreed-upon operation and maintenance program for all force mains.
    » Complete 40 gravity sewer projects by Dec. 31, 2016, and evaluate another 38 projects over the next four years.
    » Assess the condition, through closed-circuit television, of 650 miles of gravity sewers.
    » Repair or replace 144 miles of gravity sewers.
    » Clean 500 total miles of gravity mains per year.
    » Honouliuli is required to be upgraded to meet secondary treatment standards by June 1, 2024, and Sand Island by Dec. 31, 2035, with possibility of a three-year extension if the city demonstrates that the earlier deadline is not technically feasible or would impose undue financial hardship.
    » Both must meet interim effluent limits until they achieve full secondary treatment.
    Source: Office of the Corporation Counsel, City & County of Honolulu.

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