Hawaii Healers Discuss A Time of Major Evolutionary Change at December 21 Event

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Join us for a Free non-profit event, sponsored by Hawaii Wellness Magazine in Ala Moana Beach Park to celebrate together this important time of healing and change.

This event will be filmed by Hawaii Wellness Network LIVE on TV Ustream channel.


A video will be recorded for future viewing.


Eight speakers will share information and healing tools and there will be time for questions from the audience.Ala Moana Beach Park near the McCoy Pavilion

On the grass area Makai (beach) side of the road, in front of the wide steps to the beach, Diamond Head side of the bathrooms. Please bring beach chairs, towels or mats to sit on and umbrellas in case of drizzle. Please bring flameless Tealights. Feel free to bring food/drinks.
Time: 5:00PM to 7:30PM

For further information feel free to contact Margaret Gray at 808 782 7953 or margaret@astrologypsychological.com

Everyone is very welcome. Our purpose is to share some thoughts about the current changes that are taking place and some useful tools to creatively and lovingly engage with these changes from our heart.

Guest speakers:

Margaret Gray MSW, D. Psych. Astrology, Reiki Master


Margaret will offer a brief summary of the current planetary configurations in the sky and ways we can co-create with them. Her focus will be on the expansive role Jupiter is playing in the triangular Yod formation on Dec 21,st as it generously invites us to a life that is based on Joy within – a state of heart independent of our external circumstances, as we more fully inhabit our authentic soul self. will share ‘the fastest way to achieving enlightenment in our absurd times’

Dr Cynthia Chareunsouk D C is a holistic Chiropractor

Neuro-Emotional Technique, Total Body Modification, Chinese Meridian Therapy, Nutritional Response Therapy, energy medicine, spiritual restructuring, and intuitive counseling.
Dr Cynthia will present some thoughts on: Shifting With the Times, inviting us to pay attention to how the current planetary shifts are affecting us internally on a mental/emotional, energetic, physical, and physiological aspect. We are reminded at this important time that we are the answer.

Elizabeth Hammond, founder of the Institute of Complementary Therapies M.Ed., RCST®, Reiki Master, LMT, and RPP www.ict-energyschool.com
Elizabeth will offer us a meditation and a short talk on the electro-magnetics of the heart and the power of heart connection in our relationships with self and other, as we release outmoded beliefs and relationships.

Dr Eliza Kim D. C. is a holistic chiropractor specializing in whole food nutrition and energy medicine utilizing many therapies including Spiritual Response Therapy, Kinesiology, Nutrition Response Testing, Neuro Emotional Technique, flower essence, essential oils, and chakra therapy.


Dr Kim is going to offer some thoughts on: Knowing Who You Are as a Soul and Choosing Your Life Path. This will include understanding why you chose this planet called Earth and everything about YOU including your parents, body and paths. What are the lessons we came here to learn and what can we all do to live a fulfilling life.

Tarun Guru – Meditation – psychic healer who was born in Himalayas in a family of yogic priests – Brahmans. (The ancient gatekeepers of mystic knowledge).  Tarun will share ‘the fastest way to achieving enlightenment in our absurd times.


Tricia is going to discuss: Breaking free from generational burdens through non-judgmental and compassionate actions. As the mental health field evolves from outdated practices, such as punishing and labeling, and moves towards a more compassionate and non-judgmental field, we are able to apply accountability to our actions without stigma or prejudice. We have begun to break “generational burdens” and create our new path, one that is our own.


Chris Miller – Non violent/compassionate communication teacher and energy worker Chrisnvc@gmail.com

Chris will offer a talk on compassionate communication, focusing on the tendencies that men and women can sometimes bring into relationship, along with a short cut approach to dealing with relationship challenges/upsets.

Susie Gale CHt Hypnotherapy, (IMDHA, IACT, SAIH), Cheirology, Reiki, Life style counselling, Therapeutic Aromatherapy 


Susie will offer us her some thoughts on ‘what’s it all about – reconnecting to the Bigger Picture’.



