Should Mob Rule and Intimidation Trump the Rule of Law?

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Why is the Kamehameha School court decision so
important in the overall picture of race relations and
Hawaiian sovereignty?

For many decades Hawaii has been building a wall
of apartheid. The court decision in Doe v. Kamehameha
removes one brick from that wall of apartheid. Court
documents in various lawsuits, and legislation in
Congress, boast there are more than 160
federally-funded racially exclusionary programs for
ethnic Hawaiians; therefore it must be legal to keep
creating more.


There are also entire departments of the State of Hawaii (OHA,
DHHL), plus wealthy and powerful private institutions
like Kamehameha.

Hawaii already has a two-tier citizenship: ethnic Hawaiians receive hundreds of
special government and private benefits not available
to anyone else, plus all the same rights and benefits
given to everyone else.

The 80 percent of our people who
lack a drop of the magic blood are second-class
citizens; and the gap is widening.

The Akaka bill now
in Congress seeks to protect these race-based programs
against court challenges and to empower a tremendous
expansion of racism by authorizing creation of a
racially exclusionary government empowered to control
lands and resources currently belonging to all
Hawaii’s people.

This evil empire needs to be stopped and dismantled.
Hawaii is at a tipping point — either we tear down
this wall of apartheid, or else it will grow ever

The huge red-shirt march of August 6, 2005, protesting
the Kamehameha decision was very similar to the huge
red-shirt march of September 6, 2004;


News coverage of the Kamehameha decision and community
reaction can be found at:

However “warm and fuzzy” we feel watching elders, teens,
and babies in the streets on a beautiful day, we must
decide whether mob rule and intimidation should trump
the rule of law.

”’This article is expanded with greater detail and more documentation at:

”’Read the complete 9th Circuit decision in Doe v. Kamehameha? at”’

”’Kenneth R. Conklin, Ph.D., is an independent scholar in Kaneohe, Hawaii. His Web site on Hawaiian Sovereignty is at: He can be contacted at:”’

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