Hawaii Tourism Authority Selection of Partner to Manage Its Product Enrichment Program

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Photo: Emily Metcalf

REPORT FROM HTA —The Hawai‘i Tourism Authority (HTA), the state’s tourism agency, announced today that it has selected the Hawai‘i Community Foundation (HCF) to manage its Product Enrichment Program’s (PEP) Community-Based Natural Resources and Kūkulu Ola: Living Hawaiian Culture programs. HCF will be responsible for managing the two grant programs, helping to publicize grant opportunities to the broader community, and assisting with strategic planning to ensure the programs continue to benefit local communities.

“As the only statewide community foundation, the HCF has a proven track record of implementing and enhancing successful community programs,” said Mike McCartney, HTA president and CEO. “Their partnership and support will help us to further enhance our Product Enrichment Programs, creating greater and a longer term impact in the community.”


“The Hawai‘i Community Foundation looks forward to working with the HTA and their advisory groups to enhance its community programs and support the best projects that benefit residents and visitors alike,” said Kelvin Taketa, president and CEO of the HCF.

The HTA’s Community-Based Natural Resources Program supports efforts by organizations that help to preserve and maintain Hawai‘i’s natural resources and areas frequented by both visitors and residents. The Kūkulu Ola: Living Hawaiian Culture Program helps to celebrate and perpetuate the Hawaiian culture through respectful and authentic visitor experiences and activities, including cultural programs, and the work of practitioners, craftsmen, musicians and other artists.

“These programs are an integral part of our efforts in sustaining and improving our natural resources and sharing and perpetuating Hawai‘i’s unique culture,” added McCartney. “These programs not only enhance the visitor experience and benefit the state economy, but improve everyday quality of life for residents.”

The HTA PEP supported projects are selected annually through an RFP process and provide opportunities to stimulate economic development, sustain and perpetuate Hawai‘i’s natural resources, cultural and community diversity. In 2012, the HTA awarded 13 Community-Based Natural Resources Programs and seven Kūkulu Ola: Living Hawaiian Cultural Programs throughout the Hawaiian Islands. For a listing of the recent programs, visitwww.hawaiitourismauthority.org/programs. The HTA will be discussing current PEP proposals with HCF and plans to announce new grant awards in March 2013.

With 97 years of community service, the Hawai‘i Community Foundation is the leading philanthropic institution in the state. The Foundation is a steward of more than 600 funds, including more than 170 scholarship funds, created by donors who desire to transform lives and improve communities. In 2012, more than $45 million in grants and contracts were distributed statewide. The Foundation also serves as a resource on community issues and trends in the nonprofit sector. For more information about the Hawai‘i Community Foundation, visit www.hawaiicommunityfoundation.org.

Established in 1998, the Hawai‘i Tourism Authority, the state’s tourism agency, is responsible for strategically managing tourism to optimize benefits for Hawai‘i that integrates the interest of visitors, the community and visitor industry. Tourism is our state’s leading economic driver and largest employer and the HTA continually works to ensure its sustainability well into the future. For more information on the HTA, please visit www.hawaiitourismauthority.org, find us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter.



