Supporting Governor’s Call for Prudent, Reasonable and Responsible Spending

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“Lynn Finnegan 2006 Image”

The House Minority Caucus applauds Gov. Linda Lingle’s call in her Jan. 22, 2006, state of the state address, for prudent, reasonable, and responsible spending.


In her address to lawmakers, special guests, and the residents of Hawaii, Gov. Lingle had the audience in the House Chamber repeatedly on its feet with thunderous applause for her anthem of how Hawaii can “literally have it all”.

What stood out the most was the idea that if we are prudent, reasonable, and responsible in our spending, then we don’t have to sacrifice education, housing, or health care in order to give tax relief — your House Republicans call this smart money.

The governor’s core philosophy is we shouldn’t have to choose between issues. Instead, if we are balanced and fair in addressing all issues on the table, we can accomplish everything we set forth this legislative session.

Included in the governor’s speech were attributions to positive economic growth in Hawaii since 2003. Gov. Lingle said she anticipates this positive turnaround will only get better if we continue to work collectively and compassionately.

The House Minority Caucus echoes the governor’s philosophy of prudent and compassionate spending.

Sometimes we at the Capitol who are fighting for the big picture ideas forget what its like for the everyday person who struggles to make it to the next paycheck.

We are excited to hear that we may potentially give taxpayers relief in sizable amounts, like a year’s worth of electric bills or a year’s worth of college tuition and books at any community college.

”’Rep. Lynn Finnegan, House Minority Leader, is a Republican representing the Stadium area of Oahu.”’

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