UPDATED: Women Tell Lawmakers They Want the Right to Protect Themselves with a Concealed Firearm-Senate Judiciary Committee Considers Open Carry Bill at 9 a.m. Friday; Meanwhile the Intergovernmental Affairs and Judiciary Committees Killed Two Bills Late Thursday That Would Allow Concealed Carry and Protection of Second Amendment Rights in a Disaster; Bill to Force State Attorney General to Implement Federal Law Allowing Retired Police Officers the Right to Concealed Carry Passes Senate Committee

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”’Editor’s update: The Senate Intergovernmental Affairs Committee deferred two Senate bills late Thursday that would grant citizens the right to carry a concealed firearm and that would protect their firearms from government seizure in the time of a disaster (as happened in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina). The decision prevented a vote on the bills and essentially killed the legislation this session. A third bill heard Feb. 14, which orders the state attorney general to implement a 2004 federal law that allows retired police officers to be permitted to carry a concealed weapon, did pass with amendments. On Friday, at a 9 a.m. Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, lawmakers will consider passing out an open carry bill, that would allow law abiding citizens to openly display and carry with them a firearm.”’

In the last 15 years, no law abiding citizen applying for a permit to carry a concealed firearm in Honolulu has been granted one — not one domestic violence victim, not one person whose life was in danger, not one person working where they may be robbed at gunpoint. And the police chief has no plans to change that under Hawaii



