Setting the Record Straight on Honolulu Rail Proposal

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Just for the record, here’s what I really said in my recent presentation to the Kailua Chamber of Commerce.

Total costs for the Fixed Guideway Alternative, when including all project costs (construction, right of way, and long-term operating costs) would be in excess of 4 billion dollars, but that we do not yet have a complete estimate.


Construction costs for the Managed Lane Alternative would be substantially greater than $1 billion. Per mile it would be more expensive than construction of an elevated fixed guideway because the managed lane structure would be larger and require more structural support.

The summary of my presentation by Cliff Slater in his report “Parsons Brinckerhoff Concedes $4 Billion Plus to Build Honolulu Rail Project” was not quite accurate. Thank you for the opportunity to set the record straight.

”’Lawrence Spurgeon is with Parsons Brinckerhoff in Honolulu, Hawaii. He can be reached via email at”’

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