Oahu Sewer Projects During September

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HONOLULU, HAWAII – The City and County of Honolulu’s Department of Environmental Services has 13 sewer projects in September that may impact roadways and traffic on Oahu.

The projects include:


Airport Sewer Rehabilitation/Reconstruction Phase 1 – Rehabilitate/reconstruct defective sewer line and manholes in the vicinity of the Honolulu International Airport betweenLagoon Drive and the Kamehameha Wastewater Pump Station.

Ala Moana Trunk Sewer Rehabilitation – Sewer rehabilitation work along Ala Moana Blvd. from Keawe Street and Ward Avenue.

Beachwalk Wastewater Pump Station to Ala Moana Park Sewer Phase 1, Force Main System – Installation of a new sewer line along Ala Moana Boulevard (between Atkinson Drive and Ala Wai Canal), and along Ala Wai Boulevard (between Kalakaua Avenue to the dead end of Ala Wai Boulevard).

Houghtailing Street Area Sewer Rehabilitation – Sewer rehabilitation work in Kamehameha Heights area on various streets within the area bordered by North School Street, Kokea Street, Kamalii Street, Aulii Street, Ilima Drive, Makanani Drive and Kapalama Drive.

Kahanu Street, School Street, and Umi Street Spot repairs along Dillingham Blvd., between McNeill Street and Kalihi Street and along Kalihi Street between Dillingham and North King Street.  Installation of new sewer lines along Kahanu Street, Puuhale Road, Stanley Street, Wilcox Lane, Umi Street, King Street and Haunapo Lane between Kalihi Street.  Sewer rehabilitation work along School Street between Liliha Street and the School Street (Ewa Bound) off ramp.

Kalakaua Avenue Sewer Rehabilitation – Open-cut trench digging replacing 1,500 lineal feet of 6- and 8-inch sewer pipe along Kalakaua Avenue between Philip Street and Kapiolani Boulevard.

Kalanianaole Highway Sewer System Improvements – Sewer rehabilitation work along Kalanianaole Highway between Wailupe Beach Park to Kawaikui Beach Park and betweenHalemaumau Street and Paiko Drive.

Rose Street and Kamehameha IV Road, Richard Lane and Linapuni Street Sewer Rehabilitation – Installation of new gravity sewer lines on Rose Street, Kamehameha IV Road, Richard Lane and Linapuni Street.

Saint Louis Heights Sewer Rehabilitation – Sewer rehabilitation work on various streets with the area bordered by Bertram Street, Kaminaka Drive, Saint Louis Drive and Dole Street.

Sewer Manhole and Pipe Rehabilitation at Various Locations Phase 2 Sewer rehabilitation work along Nimitz Highway between Pacific Street and Sumner Street.

Waimalu Sewer Rehabilitation/Reconstruction Phase I/II – Installation of a gravity sewer line along Olepe Loop, Hekaha, Lokwai, Lii-Ipo, Pahemo and Kanuku streets.

Waipahu Street/Plantation Village Sewer Reconstruction – Installation of gravity sewer line within Plantation Village.

Wilhelmina Rise Sewer Rehabilitation– Sewer rehabilitation work in Wilhelmina Rise area on various streets within the area bordered by Paula Drive, Lurline Drive, Wilhelmina Rise,Keanu Street and Claudine Street.

Approximately 122 projects are underway focused on Oahu’s wastewater treatment plants, pump stations and collection system. These projects are part of $533 million of ongoing wastewater projects, including planning, designing, construction, project management and equipment project phases.

Submitted by Markus Owens, ENV Public Communications Officer for the City & County of Honolulu.


