Hawaii’s Labor Force Expands by 850 in November

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Illustration by Emily Metcalf

HONOLULU, HAWAII —The Hawai‘i State Department of Labor & Industrial Relations announced today that expansions in the tourism, professional & business, and health care sectors were large contributors to the 4,600 jobs added in the Hawai‘i economy over the past year.

Total employment increased by 500 from October to November. The over the month job gains mirrored the year’s gains as the professional & business and education & health services sectors expanded by 700 and 500 respectively.


The 850-person expansion in the labor force increased the total seasonally adjusted labor force to 634,700 in November with 593,150 employed and 41,550 unemployed. Initial claims for unemployment benefits fell by 3.7% from October to November, while the over the year change in weeks claimed was down 12.7%. The seasonally adjusted unemployment rate for November was 6.5%, the same as in October.

Nationally, the seasonally adjusted unemployment rate declined to 8.6% from 9.0% in October. The unemployment rate figures for the State of Hawai‘i and the U.S. in this release are seasonally adjusted, in accordance with the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) methodology.

Submitted by DOL





  1. However, we should expect further worsening on joblessness in the country in the next quarter because of political anxieties in the Middle East, check out an article called High Speed Universities for relation between a degree and job and the pay rate.

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